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sicelo: create a new testcase?
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Wizzup: we have a dpkg diversion in wl1251-cal package for N900. i'm working on a PR that will need to undo that diversion. instead of removing/diverting /lib/firmware/ti-connectivity/wl1251-nvs.bin, we will now want to keep it, but the package will change its contents.
whenever you have time, please help me achieve both.
rationale: actually that whole udev stuff needs to go. hasn't worked in a long time because udev stopped supported the SUBSYTEM="firmware" mechanism some years ago already
so now the idea is - blacklist wl1251 driver so it doesn't load before we play with wl1251-cal. as early as possible in the boot process, run wl1251-cal, and instead of spitting the nvs via /sys/firmware, just echo it back to /lib/firmware/ti-connectivity/wl1251-nvs.bin. after this is done successfully, probe wl1251 and you're home free
this does work just fine and i've tested it. just the packaging part now ... the divert to be specific
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Wizzup: @work, np :)
good news and bad news btw
tg desktop works (randomly), when it works it works fine
something seems really wrong with qt5/x11
picodrive works fine but only in a small sdl window. no clue what's going on
drnoksnes still works only from terminal, gui launch returns gtk critical stuff with osso
and crashes
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arno11: interestingly my leste install never really has those apt/ham slowdowns, even though my card is pretty much low quality. just got offered updates to Core Meta and Meta packages (still on chimaera).
i was busy building wl1251-cal and wasn't even aware updates were happening in the background
Wizzup: and yes, my package is reporting ominous dpkg-divert issues when installing.
do you have a log of the warn/error?
made some adjustments now, and the installation succeeds, although this doesn't look too clean,
run dpkg again and see if one of the errors goes away?
arno11: if you're feeling adventurous, please give that a spin. should give your N900 the same wlan MAC address as in Fremantle
Wizzup: so i think the divert stuff is fixed. next problem - there's some 'displace' stuff in leste-config-n900. we need to drop the 00mac file. it's the displace that i'm not sure about atm
hope i can figure it Out
sicelo: sorry, not now, currently looking @qt5/X11
what x11 trouble?
every qt5 apps segfault on closing
gdb returns segfault
could be interesting to doublecheck on d4 btw
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arno11: going to test in my daedalus VM
cool thx
could you provide backtrace (with symbols installed)
it depends what exactly you want me to do (no machine around atm, just n900)
backtrace of the segfault
which application (for example) shall I use?
ah ok, i tried with hansterfiler
but bt full doesn't returns lot of details
perhaps you need debufg symbols
i have them
may I see that backtrace?
#0 0xb5633444 in _XSend () at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
#1 0xb563360e in () at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
that's when i close the app
you lack debug symbols for
so yesterday while running mobian (while working on ofono), i came across something that highlighted the wisdom of using maemo/hildon as a base for an OS. so, i got the asan log, and then needed to copy it so i could pastebin it. lo and behold - there's no way to highlight text in the gnome-console application when using a touchscreen!
arno11: what does that mean?
it says Malformed entry 6 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list
when i try to update
then you did something bad
sicelo: I can help fix the displace in leste-config np
well, apt here does not have issue
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apt ?
yes, apt, what do you use to install debug symbols?
apt is ok for me too
with the correct url
yep anyway, just need few min to provide bactrace
Wizzup: re HAM domains: I made a change (here) so on every update, if there is a package that does not belong to any domain, apt-worker assign the domain of the repo with the highest priority (in HAM terms) that is currently enabled
does that sound ok to you> if yes, I'll push it
also, shall I split system domains to leste/devuan/debian and if yes, do we want different priorities?
freemangordon: 0xb5633444 in _XSend (dpy=dpy@entry=0x45f1e0, data=data@entry=0x0, size=size@entry=0) at ../../src/xcb_io.c:548
548../../src/xcb_io.c: No such file or directory.
this is not a backtrace :)
lol let me paste the proper things
i got the result but i don't have much things install on daedalus
arno11: looks to me like sending something to non-existing x display conn
let me work through the other backlog of today first :D
sure :D
sicelo: it looks like dillo is in bookworm and trixie, just as old version
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dsc_: I think maybe qt-platform-maemo needs to check if the xcb connection gotten from QX11Info is still valid, I suspect this is why the segfault happens on application quit