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<arno11> Wizzup: not really, that's a bit random, highly depending of what is running in background. btw swap seems very aggressive compare to chimaera with same vm default settings.
<arno11> other qt5 apps like hamsterfiler segfaults on closing, too
<gnarface> might be due to a kernel version difference; i'm not sure exactly when but at some point they changed the effective range of the /proc/sys/vm/swappiness values
<arno11> ok
<arno11> hmm even when i change/tweak vm settings, results are quite the same
<arno11> anyway, segfault on close should be the first thing to look at.
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<arno11> well, vm.vfs_cache_pressure=10 and vm.swappiness=30 improves launch time
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<Wizzup> yes the segfault on close we should check out
<Wizzup> arno11, no need ot disable apt worker anymore ?
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<arno11> Wizzup: atm no trouble
<arno11> but hard too say until few available updates are coming
<dsc_> freemagordon: thx
<Wizzup> arno11: I thought it was the 'apt update' part that caused issues
<arno11> me too
<arno11> btw when i use apt update, it returns wrong file extension error with 00maemo.leste
<arno11> (the queue-mode 'access' file)
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<Wizzup> yes, just ignore it for now
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<arno11> ok
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<arno11> Wizzup: btw we have maybe only the segfault issue with qt5: my 'supposed' fast sandisk extrem card i use with daedalus seems a lot slower than my samsung evo...
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<arno11> *samsung evo plus with chimaera
<Wizzup> ok
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<arno11> Wizzup: this evening/night, i'll have a look at some extras pkgs like pcsx, picodrive and drnoksnes for daedalus
<arno11> audio and video are ok btw, ucm2 as well
<arno11> telegram-desktop doesn't work anymore :(
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<Wizzup> arno11: good @ pkgs, strange @ tg-desktop
<Wizzup> what doesn't work?
<arno11> the app starts (in background) but no visible UI
<Wizzup> hm
<arno11> but in terminal it complains about wrong fonts
<arno11> hmm in fact, not
<arno11> just a warning about possible missing fonts we already have
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<arno11> Wizzup: for drnoksnes i need osso-games-startup. it is marked as ported in bugtracker issue #751 but i got unmet dependencies with osso-games-l10n-mr
<arno11> *and all related pkgs
<Wizzup> let me see
<arno11> ok thx
<arno11> Wizzup: ah, i think i found the root cause of qt5 segfault
<arno11> we have qt5-style-plugins but qtstyleplugins is missing
<Wizzup> interesting, how does that cause the segfault?
<Wizzup> building osso-games-l10n job now
<arno11> thx @osso-games
<arno11> @qtstyleplugins, there is a fmg fix for segfult on widget destroyed
<arno11> *segfault
<arno11> can't find qtmaemo5 too
<arno11> but maybe we don't need it ?
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<arno11> ok, drnoksnes works fine with daedalus but gui launcher is missing (?). will have a look tomorrow. maybe a reboot is needed
<Wizzup> arno11: ah so maybe I missed a comit?
<arno11> you mean for qtstyle ?
<arno11> qtstyleplugins appears as ported in #751 but it is missing on daedalus and i even can't find it with apt btw
<arno11> oh scratch that lol, i see
<sicelo> freemangordon: regarding the remaining ofono CVEs (particularly https://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-24-1077/), i compiled ofono with ASAN, and can't seem to find it yet
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<sicelo> but i then realized that it would only show up if i hit the problematic codebase. so maybe my qmi modem doesn't hit it. anyway, i've heard about fuzzing, but have no clue how to use/drive it atm
<sicelo> any pointers from your end on how i can zoom in on the faulty code?
<sicelo> while running with asan, at least i did find a different buffer overflow and believe i have a fix for it ( https://paste.debian.net/1349529 )
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<Wizzup> arno11: I am a bit confused now, is anything missing or not? did you attach gdb to check the segfault, or?
<arno11> apparently nothing missing
<arno11> currently running gdb before zzz
<arno11> segfault seems to come from x11
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<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> sorry, it's been a busy day at work