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<Wizzup> I think we can probably just not build the u-boot files fwiw
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<Wizzup> trying now
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<arno11> Wizzup: i tried the img
<arno11> it boots but H-D freezes
<arno11> got lot of errors in boot logs
<arno11> hildon-home and mafw mainly
<Wizzup> let's see if I get that too
<arno11> it is emmc swap btw
<arno11> ok
<arno11> maybe freezing is just because of emmc swap (which works fine in tiny img, weird)
<Wizzup> so I am testing first and foremost of daedalus boots ok
<Wizzup> like, if it works
<Wizzup> it might be slow, but that's another thing to address
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<Wizzup> ok, I think it also froze for me
<arno11> probably becuse of swap
<Wizzup> is the swap different?
<arno11> it is emmc and it freezes with 6.6
<Wizzup> or did we determine emmc swap wasn't good of something
<Wizzup> ah
<Wizzup> I thought we fixed it by now
<Wizzup> ok
<arno11> we fixed it by using sdswap
<Wizzup> right, and that's not in leste-config or something?
<arno11> it is
<Wizzup> oh arm-sdk overrides it
<Wizzup> or arm-sdk overrides it*
<arno11> it maybe failed in jenkins
<Wizzup> I suspect the file from arm-sdk (etc/fstab) is installed after leste-config
<arno11> ah
<Wizzup> but, didn't we have a kernel fix for this?
<Wizzup> brb
<arno11> not sure @kernel fix
<arno11> anyway, i'll create a swap file and modify fstab a bit later
<arno11> to check if it is the problem
<arno11> bbl
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<Wizzup> yeah so etc/fstab is likely copied from arm-sdk
<Wizzup> there is a swap file on the sd card though
<Wizzup> booting now
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<arno_daedalus> Wizzup: it works :)
<arno_daedalus> quite fast with no optimization
<arno_daedalus> i added swap file in fstab and blocked mafw
<arno_daedalus> bbl
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<Wizzup> I didn't block mafw and it is fine for me
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<dsc_> freemangordon: hi
<dsc_> how to get a OssoABookContact from a remote_uid
<dsc_> i dont see it in the documentation
<dsc_> so we must always iterate the whole roster
<dsc_> this osso abook integration has really complicated the conversations code
<dsc_> not great... :)
<dsc_> I shall maybe write a sane C++ wrapper
<dsc_> just something that translates the glib stuff to qt stuff
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<arno11> Wizzup: currently toying with daedalus, no major issue
<arno11> qt5 are sloooow to launch, not sure why
<arno11> *qt5 apps
<arno11> is it the same for you ?
<arno11> otherwise, calls work fine, sms, web, wifi, 3g-hsdpa
<arno11> boost still works
<arno11> pm is also ok apparently
<Wizzup> not sure if/why qt would be slower but we can investigate
<arno11> idk, maybe some qt env var
<arno11> it is 5 times slower than my chimaera
<arno11> but it could also be my sd card
<arno11> or trackers
<arno11> it takes around 12 sec to open calculator lol
<arno11> around 2 sec on my chimaera
<Wizzup> all good to investigate
<Wizzup> I think we also have the qt input method now in the env vars
<arno11> yep and vkb works fine in conversations
<dsc_> could tmp. disable vkb
<dsc_> but its not really doing a lot I think, memory wise
<dsc_> its a GUI-less program
<arno11> i doubt input stuff is a problem as it works fine with chimaera
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<arno11> with no memory impact
<arno11> Wizzup: is qt5 app launch slow on your n900 chimaera ?
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<Wizzup> arno11: I dist upgraded, but can dd a chimaera image
<Wizzup> arno11: I don't think setting the qt env var for input ever made it to chimaera fwiw
<Wizzup> I am also not saying it is the IM stuff, just pointing out potential difference
<arno11> yes probably
<arno11> no need to dd chimaera, thx
<Wizzup> I wonder if emmc swap works ok in 6.12
<arno11> good question, i even wonder if the problem is not somewhere in our softwares, as emmc swap works fine with the daedalus tiny img
<arno11> and not in full chimaera or daedalus img with 6.6
<Wizzup> are you sure it works fine, or did it just never need the swap
<Wizzup> I am inclined to think it's probably the latter
<gnarface> is it a good idea to swap on emmc?
<gnarface> i heard that was bad for it...
<arno11> Wizzup: indeed it maybe never need the swap...
<arno11> so really not sure. let's see in 6.12 :P
<arno11> gnarface: imo emmc swap is useful for users with slow sdcard
<gnarface> well i heard it was bad for sd cards too
<arno11> probably bad anyway :P
<arno11> Wizzup: hmm when i launch qalendar from terminal, i see 'MESA: info: Unloaded' taking 10 sec to appear
<arno11> then i get segfault when i close the calendar from the ui
<arno11> so maybe new gpu stuff related ?
<arno11> same with osso calculator
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<Wizzup> arno11: will check
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> arno11: when do you get that segfault
<Wizzup> how do you start this? over ssh?
<Wizzup> but this is on my dist-upgraded one
<arno11> i start it from the terminal on the device itself: osso_calculator
<arno11> and qalendar
<Wizzup> yeah I did that, and on the dist-upgraded one there is no issue
<arno11> is it quite fast to launch or ?
<arno11> i mean on the dist upgrade one
<arno11> (if it's ok from dist-upgrade, something is missing in the img, no ?)
<Wizzup> I will check @ launch
<Wizzup> I don't know if it will be something missing or something else
<Wizzup> it seems a bit faster to start
<arno11> ok
<arno11> brb
<freemangordon> or osso_abook_aggregator_find_contacts()
<freemangordon> and friends
<freemangordon> what is this 'remote_uid' you want to find contact for?
<freemangordon> remote account username? or?
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<arno11> Wizzup: i looked @irc logs to check what i did to speed up qt5
<arno11> installing gtk appmenu stuff makes a diff
<arno11> but randomly...
<arno11> really weird
<arno11> i see the wifi selection network bug sometimes too
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<arno11> ah for wifi, it happens only with no sim or nokia modem not loaded, so same as chimaera iirc
<arno11> everything seems fine apart qt5 launch
<arno11> seems not cpu or ram related. only launch/close is buggy
<arno11> btw as usual, few changes in transitions make things a lot smoother
<Wizzup> can you sharet hose changes again with me?
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<arno11> /leste/config/pull/50/commits
<arno11> but if you want to keep blur, you should set [home] radius = 1 and radius_more = 2
<arno11> */leste-config ofc
<arno11> yep
<arno11> freemangordon: when i launch es2gears with daedalus, it works with similar perf as chimaera but got lot of mesa/pvr errors
<Wizzup> maybe we should just make this the default transitions for n900
<arno11> not sure, it is not 'perfect'
<arno11> and not sure the behaviour is the same with other themes
<arno11> but if we adjust few things, yes it should be cool as default
<Wizzup> I do think some blur is helpful fwiw. do you use the alt app launcher screen because of that, or?
<arno11> the alt app launcher screen ?
<arno11> for blur, yes it is useful for sure
<arno11> but radius 12 and radius more 16 is too much by default (for perfs)
<arno11> 1 and 2 are enough imo
<arno11> to avoid misunderstanding, i should create a new PR with wave and low blur, and with commented original values
<Wizzup> I think wave is what I meant with new launcher screen
<arno11> ah ok, i meant wave effects in launcher
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<Wizzup> I agree a smaller radius is good
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<arno11> mhm
<arno11> Wizzup: qt5 issue seems env var related
<arno11> if i launch osso calculator with QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct, it starts in 3 sec
<arno11> instead of 10 or 12
<arno11> still got segfault on close btw
<arno11> anyway, it's late
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<Wizzup> good finds