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because of u-boot?
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sicelo: scratch that. it just took a while on u-boot part. the daedalus img built. will try later today
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Wizzup: able to dd the img but doesn't boot. we got u-boot error during build: 'CFGCHK u-boot.cfg mv: cannot move u-boot.img to /home/jenkins/workspace/leste-image-n900-daedalus/arm-sdk/dist/n900-u-boot.img: No such file or directory' btw
and several u-boot DM warnings
and we got an error with sdswap from leste-config-n900.postinst: 'swapon failed: Invalid argument'. but i think we don't need it, as 'sw' option does the job in fstab iirc/iiuc
that's it (compared to other working builds)
I'll check this weekend (can't todayy)
ok, no rush
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should i try to update d4 to daedalus?
or not yet?
* inky
wants to install yggdrasil on it, and it is officially in daedalus.
inky: maybe on another SD card...
or take image of your existing install, then do the upgrade
I hope to finish things this weekend
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