Litex seems unhappy with my Meson - I have 0.60.3 installed (through pip3), but check_meson in litex/soc/integration/builder.py still is unable to find it.
Any hints?
Oh wait, it's building now ($PATH was not pointing to the right directory)
Almost there now - 'INFO:SoC:Auto-Resizing ROM rom from 0x200000 to 0x7cc4", and then "Failed to open input file". Trying to build a SoC for the Butterstick ECP5 board.
The file 'gsd_butterstick.bit' is missing.
What toolchain is to be used for the butterstrick? @ Peanut
Do you have some more log context?
What is the exact command you use to build it?
It fails at the very last stages, making the dfu - I think that the file 'config' doesn't get made or exist.
Yup, the config file is missing, should be at 'litex-examples/soc_example/build/gsd_butterstick/gateware/gsd_butterstick.config'
are there any errors or anything happening before that ?
No, it seems to build the SoC perfectly. It's just that ecppack fails due to '--input {config}' failing, as the config file in question is not there.
are you using trellis ?
Yes, trellis/nextpnr-ecp5
yeah, that all sounds fine, perhaps the problem is something in litex has changed the name of the file that's being generated
is there a '.config' file of any name inside the build folder ?
No, I've already searched for \*.config
what are the last lines of output before it fails ?
"INFO:SoC:Initializing ROM rom with contents (Size: 0x7cc4).", "INFO:SoC:Auto-Resizing ROM rom from 0x20000 to 0x7cc4."
That's building the BIOS.
sounds like it's not running yosys and nextpnr
oh, can you try running it with --build
Oh yes, CPU fan just kicked in - this is probably going to take a while.
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Actually that went quite fast, now I just need to figure which dfu-util target to use.
Wow, working RiscV SoC, running Linux, in maybe two hours of tinkering, this is very impressive, thanks!
yay \o/
glad it's working :D
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Seems I spoke a bit too soon - where can one find images/boot.json or images/boot.bin? Is that supposed to be generated as well?
I think this would only be generated if you built some software to run
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Ah, I see - I thought the next stage would be booting Linux, but we're clearly still some distance away from that.
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You can use the linux-on-litex-vexriscv repo, they have prebuilt kernels
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Wolfvak: they mention they have prebuilt bitstreams, but I haven't found the kernels/rootfs/opensbi yet?
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Hi, I'm having some issues of porting LiteX to Lattice ECP5 VIP processor board. I have added SPI FLASH support but when I enable DDR3, the bitstream works (LED chaser works) but the new BIOS does not output anything on UART. When I load older BIOS without the DDR3 support (but with the new DDR3 bitstream) the BIOS starts correctly. Wehn I compare
So it seems like ther is some issue with BIOS linking/compiling. Because with new bitsream SPI FLASH+DDR3 the old BIOS firmware works (of course, without DDR3 because there is no FW support)
*lol* thanks. That's going to be useful, because I've just done the whole 'buildroot thing', but it barfs with 'Incorrect selection of kernel headers: expected 5.15.x, got 5.14.x'. So a prebuilt Linux filesystem is a great help, thanks.
"Received firmware download request from device, uploading image, upload calibration, Upload to device failed due to data corruption (CRC error)."
So it uploads Image correctly, but it seems to fail a CRC check.
Or possibly it fails on a missing rv32.dtb, that's the next file to get.
Making rv32.dtb (./make --board=butterstick) requires sbt, which would require installing scala and java?
you want to do "./make --board=butterstick --build", that way you get the bitstream and bios
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the kernel itself and opensbi are precompiled from that issue
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OK, just asking because I've already built a working SoC bitstream.
that SoC example is probably intended as a standalone SoC and not linux-compatible
Ah, ok. Well, that should keep me busy for a bit again :-)
The Butterstick doesn't have a prebuilt image yet.
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since it's an 85F device you might even be able to fit Rocket or multiple VexRiscv cores
Anyone who knows why I can't boot the demo app with --sdram --sdram-init boot.json?
But it works when loading via lxterm and the crossover uart.
Wolfvak: Likely - the Soc I built earlier only uses like 21% of the device. Would be fun to have a dual core, but I have other plans with it.
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Meh.. so I think I have a Linux compatible SoC now. It builds, runs fine, but doesn't seem to have the serial-over-usb.
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