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<alexeymrvz> Hi narmstrong! Thank you very much for reviewing our patches in U-Boot :) Can you also please take a look for HW RNG S4 support patch series in Linux?, 2 of 3 patches have RvB and Acked-by.
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<f_> ER!
<f_> lvrp16: I've spotted some cottonwoods in the wild..they look nice
<f_> nice little SPI/MMC switch too
<lvrp16> Yeah tomorrow's demo will be on the board.
<f_> and USB 3.0 on all USB ports!
<f_> Finally, a white raspberrypi with 4 USB 3.0 ports!
<f_> cottonwood USB should be faster than laptop USB
<f_> Excited to see you and narmstrong on stage!
<narmstrong> So much pressure !!!
<f_> narmstrong: no pressure intended!
<f_> lvrp16: >AML-A311D-CC-V0.2
<f_> V0.2 looks like prerelease to me
<narmstrong> Yeah you should use neutral numbering like year-month or year-week number like it’s done in the silicon industry
<f_> honestly version numbers are better than year-month-day
<f_> Especially in the case of sweetpotato and lepotato
<f_> Seems like cottonwood alta is basically upgraded lepotato and cottonwood solitude is upgraded lafrite
<lvrp16> Nothing is an upgrade of anything.
<lvrp16> Different price points for different markets.
<f_> I mean alta is 'high-end' and solitude is 'low-end'.
<lvrp16> Also the feature set is pretty different.
<lvrp16> Solitude is high end too. La Frite is low end.
<f_> A311D v.s. S905D3
<f_> they're both g12 though
<f_> Pretty nice.
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<f_> narmstrong, lvrp16: I have no doubt your talks will be great.
<f_> :D
<f_> Also U-Boot on SPI is clever
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<f_> Kwiboo: just saw the patches you sent
<f_> replied to one of them
<f_> (adding a little more context)
* f_ afk
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<f_> Back to work.
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<f_> hmm
<f_> It's stuck at waiting for the SCP
<f_> looking at what Kwiboo said about the sizes
<f_> (and other things)
<f_> Since I have the WeTek sources I can mess around with bl301 :S thanks again chewitt
<f_> I think their BL301 is the same as the p200's, with a tiny mod
<f_> Really as soon as you go *outside* what Amlogic intended everything goes nuts.
<f_> Kwiboo: HK sources have that size and task id fix you mentionned. Comparing them with WeTek shows that they at least don't have the size fix.
<f_> and they don't have the task ID fix either!
<f_> No UART flush
<f_> in the HK sources the GPL license header in uart.c is removed lol
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<Kwiboo> f_: yeah, the bl30.bin and bl301.bin I added to my repo for odroid-c2 had those changes applied, need to push that dirty code somewhere :-)
<Kwiboo> amlogic only added the gpl headers to lots of files in recent commits, so they never existed in the older scp_task branch points
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