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<lvrp16> f_[xmpp]: our factory tests are completely different, they're mainly for testing port IOs and CPU/DRAM/MMC stability.
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<f_> Main suspect right now are timing-related registers
<f_> PHY apparently inits successfully
<f_> But I guess since I got something to somehow """work""" I'll push to the repo
<f_> Cleaning up and pushing
<f_> ^ what I currently have
<f_> Also put amlogic copyright, just in case
<f_> ^ "configs"
<f_> (basically acs.bin but different)
<f_> Compare that init code to the old sources :P
<f_> Still, that's what I call, progress
<f_> (even though I haven't made any since)
<f_> Still have to investigate :)
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<f_> Tried everything but so far it doesn't work
<f_> Kwiboo: Can you try compiling U-Boot SPL and running it on your C2 and share logs? I think the timings are causing some issue.
<f_> (on my board)
<f_> At this point my init *should* work but it doesn't....just as if you supplied a non-working acs.bin to BL2......
<f_> Kwiboo: Thanks!
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<f_> Could probably need a few tries before it succeeds because the channel mode will be wrong, probably
* f_ afk
<f_> Kwiboo: if it still doesn't work try commenting these 2 lines and uncomment the lines between '//rank0+1 same:' and '//ghidra:'
<Kwiboo> f_: have cloned, will try later/tomorrow, only diff in c2 acs vs the wp2 acs is .ddr_channel_set = 0x2 vs 0x3, .ddr_size = 0x600 vs 0x800, and .vddee = 0x41a vs 0x3e8,
<f_> Indeed
<f_> Doubt it
<f_> my earlier TF-A experiments did not include power init and it still worked with that BL2 code ported
<f_> As for the acs diffs, do what I suggested above
<f_> Size shouldn't matter much as I hardcoded the size to 1 GB anyway IIRC
<f_> s/the size/it/
<Kwiboo> Okay, cool, will try later :-)
<f_> Thanks!
<f_> I'll go now but will check logs tomorrow, as always
<f_> ah Perhaps also change that `0x3 << 3` to `0x5 << 3`
<f_> \o
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