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<alexeymrvz> Hi narmstrong ! Please, pay attention to this series in U-Boot project: (hwrng and ao-secureo for A1). This is just a sync with Linux dts, you apply to kernel the same definitions:
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<LucasTanure> Hi narmstrong, I have here vim3, vim4B and vim4C and I am setting a testing setup. I am to daily test linux-next and amlogic trees
<LucasTanure> Any advice on that? I know Vim4 doesn't fully boot yet, but I am working on that
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<f_> Kwiboo: your branch doesn't work in my box
<f_> >spl_load_fit_image: Skip load 'u-boot': image size is 0!
<f_> ah I know why
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<f_> Oh nice my image works, sorta
<f_> the buffer address was the issue
<f_> >spl_load_fit_image: Skip load 'u-boot': image size is 0!
<f_> I get this however
<f_> When I get this to boot I'll create a for-master/spl/gxbb branch
<f_> (but these won't be the final patches I'll send)
<f_> The final patches I'll send *will* include gxl support
<f_> Oh, BTW, DRAM init works but it's still incomplete :P
<f_> Will need further work before it works on *my* lepotato.
<f_> DRAM init is *very* imcomplete. There's a lot of missing stuff
<f_> If you care about one device (kii-pro) it works, but if you want to support more devices...
<f_> Kwiboo: I'll say it, thanks a lot
<f_> I'm greatful for what you've done to help me get it somewhat working
<f_> :)
<f_> The dream of running fully libre and open source firmware on the AP is getting closer :)
<f_> Kwiboo: Have you done any mods to bl31?
<f_> >ASSERT: bl31_early_platform_setup <142> : ((unsigned long long)plat_params_from_bl2) == GXBB_BL31_PLAT_PARAM_VAL
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<f_> aaaaand it boots linux!!!
<f_> Huge success!
<LucasTanure> what you are working on?
<f_> I and Kwiboo are working on getting U-Boot SPL to work
<f_> replacing the proprietary BL2
<LucasTanure> where?
<LucasTanure> which board?
<f_> gxbb
<f_> the board undergoing the surgey is a random set-top box
<LucasTanure> oh, ok
<f_> (and Kwiboo's ODROID-C2)
<LucasTanure> congratulations!
<f_> Thanks. Kwiboo helped a lot :)
<LucasTanure> I was working on vim4b and vim4c, but the clocks are impossible for me to do without amlogic help
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<f_> No idea if we got enough space for falcon mode though
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<f_> Can be worked on later. For now I'll clean this up and port gxl
<f_> Oh wait a second
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<f_> narmstrong: does U-Boot already have pll init code?
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<lvrp16> f_: werd congrats!
<f_> hey, it turns off too lol
<lvrp16> ODROID-C2 going full upstream?
<f_> No idea
<f_> I don't own an ODROID-C2
<lvrp16> LucasTanure: are you going to KR/ER?
<LucasTanure> what is KR/ER?
<lvrp16> Kernel Recipes and Embedded Recipes
<LucasTanure> when?
<lvrp16> Next week in Paris
<LucasTanure> No
<LucasTanure> Trying to save money here
<lvrp16> I have an extra ticket to ER if you need. Tomeu is giving a talk about the verisilicon NPU
<lvrp16> Neil's there too.
<lvrp16> In the A311D
<f_> next: SPL on A311D
<lvrp16> :D
* f_ looks at his gxl boards.
<f_> cough
<f_> meant gxl
<f_> And then A311D
<lvrp16> open source DDR tuning and training?
<f_> apart from BL30/SCP_BL2 no blobs are used
<f_> So yeah, libre DRAM init and all
<f_> As for tuning..
<lvrp16> That would be a very cool talk for any conference.
* f_ shrugs.
<LucasTanure> lvrp16: would be great to go, but Im buying a house in london and that took eveything I had , maybe next year
<LucasTanure> thanks!
<lvrp16> sounds good
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<chewitt> f_ and Kwiboo I've been reading the backlog .. nice work! :D
<f_> and it boots linux
<f_> Am still cleaning up
<chewitt> always a good thing..
<f_> after that I'll push to a separate branch so that anyone else can test
<f_> looks pretty reliable so far
<f_> (reliable as in, doesn't crash in the first few seconds)
<chewitt> it helps :)
<chewitt> I look forward to figuring out how to plumb this into LE images
<chewitt> I have quite a wide variety of hardware here too .. people keep sending me stuff
<f_> export BL31=path/to/upstream-tf-a-bl31.bin SCP=path/to/bl30_with_bl301.bin CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
<f_> make -j8
<f_> write u-boot-gxbb-with-spl.bin to an SD card
<f_> As easy as that :D
<chewitt> last count was around 45 boards .. only the VIM4 will be out-of-bounds for now
<f_> chewitt: nice!
<chewitt> Mrs H would like me to reduce the number a little
<f_> Who's Mrs H?
<f_> anyway, how many gxbb + gxl boards?
<chewitt> Mrs Hewitt (wife)
<f_> ah
<f_> but yeah plenty of boards to test on!
<chewitt> I agree with her .. but I also have the hoarding gene so I struggle to throw stuff out
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<chewitt> I don't have many GXBB boards, but quite a few GXL ones
<f_> Sure
<chewitt> and a few GXM too
<f_> You got a WP2 and Hub
<f_> SPL should work out of the box on WP2
<chewitt> also C2
<f_> C2 too
<f_> ah well no
<f_> Still have to finish DRAM init lol
<f_> but if you want to get it working on C2 DRAM init shouldn't need much mods
<chewitt> LE has lots of C2 users so it would be handy..
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<f_> I want to upstream this eventually
<f_> with complete DRAM init and gxl support
<f_> So don't worry :)
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<f_> chewitt: it boots linux, yes, but I'd say until this goes upstream consider it a WIP still
<chewitt> sure
<f_> At least until I create a for-master branch
<chewitt> btw, one feature that would be _really_ nice to have is a method for setting the IR remote wake code for boxes
<chewitt> this is normally hardcoded/hacked in bl301
<f_> Probably won't go in SPL
<f_> SPL is only ran when the box powers on
<lvrp16> chewitt: this is already doable, just have the IR read the wake code from a certain part of memory
<f_> and when you turn it off, and back on, SPL is reran again as if you just did a cold boot
<lvrp16> I don't know the Linux wake system well enough to do this myself
<f_> But BL30 will go in my TODO list to reverse-engineer one day
<chewitt> as I understand it, it's more for suspend/resume
<f_> There should be some CPU init code there as well
<chewitt> so box cold-boots, the wake value is setup, then something is watching for it still once the box is placed into a suspend (or low-power) state
<chewitt> to resume/wake is always a warm-boot event, not a reset + cold-boot
<f_> SPL isn't aware of all that
<chewitt> right .. but for future bl30 reversing magic :)
<f_> :)
<f_> Already came up with a name for a perhaps future SCP firmware
<chewitt> one of the current 'features' in the upstream u-boot using LE images is that 'shutdown' on Hub/WP2 results in a restart, so you can't power-off the box without pulling power
<f_> It's ridiculous, just like the other names I came up with before
<f_> chewitt: Ahh that
<f_> It doesn't always result in a restart
<chewitt> it's a little beyond my knowledge to diagnose
<f_> happens on my box too but if you leave it on for a long time it can power off
<f_> I think it also happens on lepotato w/ pmOS
<f_> but pmOS uses outdated binaries
<lvrp16> chewitt: this is already fixed for potato.
<chewitt> is there a link/repo?
<lvrp16> We got a new bl30 from Amlogic that implements PSCI.
<chewitt> ahh
<f_> Yeah seems like BL30 was pretty buggy back then
<chewitt> usable with a gxbb board?
<f_> I think it's like the vendor BSP
<lvrp16> No
<chewitt> not the solution I'm looking for then :)
<lvrp16> gxl only.
<chewitt> gxm?
<f_> it works for the intended use case, but when you're doing something else it breaks spectacularly :)
<lvrp16> Maybe, never tested.
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<f_> Have no idea why but trying to run the scp firmware fails half of the time
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<narmstrong> f_: hmm not for pll no
<f_> Sure
<f_> Am still cleaning up stuff :P
<Kwiboo> I pushed some newer and rebuilt blobs for c2 at yesterday, should make it possible to build something that may run linux
<f_> Kwiboo: too late! lol
<f_> jokes aside, postmarketOS has been running on my set-top box for a while and so far hasn't crashed
<f_> Ahh yesterday
<f_> I misread, sorry
<f_> but yeah it boots linux now
<f_> Am just cleaning up that mess
<Kwiboo> hade some issues with bl30 and bl301 yesterday because of sizes diff, and .text/.data missaligned, some bl31 will have 40kb/13kb, others 41kb/12kb or 44kb/9kb, wrong combo will not work correctly
<f_> hm
<f_> you mean s/bl31/bl30/?
<f_> Kwiboo: BTW have you modified TF-A BL31?
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<Kwiboo> also there was a commit in amlogic bl33 repo that changed some user task id, they where off by one, not sure if they changed in bl30 or just was wrong from start, so may be the thread loop for secure/high/low fails
<f_> hm
<Kwiboo> re bl31: only what I wrote earlier: <Kwiboo> bl31 for gxbb should probably switch to use bl31_params_parse_helper(arg0, NULL, &bl33_image_ep_info), instead of redefine gxbb_bl31_param that is an exact copy of the v1 params struct
<f_> ah ok
<f_> Should perhaps send a patch to arm once we're done
<Kwiboo> maybe that was required for it to work at all?, did not look closer only that it looked like it could use existing helper and changed it to use it
<f_> It was required for it to work at all.
<Kwiboo> hehe :-)
<f_> <f_> >ASSERT: bl31_early_platform_setup <142> : ((unsigned long long)plat_params_from_bl2) == GXBB_BL31_PLAT_PARAM_VAL
<f_> Else it complains
<f_> Really happy :)
<f_> After all these years
<Kwiboo> Ahh, missed that check, possible I had that issue, but I initially run a release build, only tested a debug build after it got stuck because of missing scp :-)
<Kwiboo> Yeah, nice to have it working with only one closed source blob (+ one hard to build bl301.bin)
<Kwiboo> f_: Have you tested anything on gxl yet?, I am interested to know if it enters SPL at EL1 och EL3
<Kwiboo> seems my c4/sm1 enters SPL/bl2 at EL3 instead of EL1
<Kwiboo> btw, BINMAN_INDIRS= is a nice build param to use, put all external blobs in one device specific folder (amlogic-boot-fip) and binman will pick up correct blobs with BINMAN_INDIRS=path/to/amlogic-boot-fip/<device>
<f_> nice
<f_> Kwiboo: I'll test tomorrow probably
<f_> hm
<Kwiboo> so there is a mess with bl30/bl301 combo, a possible central repo with scp_task code for each board would be nice, and update all boards to use same bl30, for c2 I picked the one for p200 in amlogic-boot-fip
<Kwiboo> some newer builds would print something about unsupported thermal when bl31 calls aml_thermal_unknown()
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<Kwiboo> that p200 bl30.bin should correspond to , main diff is built by: qiufang.dai@droid07 vs jenkins@droid09
<f_> Yeah I think they moved to using jenkins later on
<f_> instead of compiling bl30 themselves
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<f_> Almost done cleaning
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<f_> Pushed
<f_> Just for fun I ran xfce4
<f_> Still hasn't crashed
<f_> Will try running libretech-perf-test
<f_> First, long awaited `apk upgrade`. Still didn't crash.
<lvrp16> f_: that perf test is basically stress-ng
<lvrp16> outside of the IO stuff
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