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<wens> lvrp16: teammate previously told us that the ddr training parameters need to be continously re-trained for higher frequencies, as the hardware will drift with time and temperature
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<lvrp16> narmstrong: you can't be serious...
<lvrp16> wens: I knew that before since it is needed for some auto parts as part of testing. I got real world lesson on that with LPDDR4 > 3200MHz.
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<narmstrong> lvrp16: yes I am... you can't imagine... those HW tools costs millions and requires very specific (old) linux releases to run and people write plenty of custom scripts around to automate stuff, it'a another world
<lvrp16> narmstrong: I guess every cycle, they just pile on more crap until the engineer responsible retires and then nobody knows how to do it anymore :D
<narmstrong> exact :-p
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<f_> lvrp16, narmstrong: That's peak software/hardware engineering you got there!
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<f_> Let's now see how spectacularly my DRAM init code b0rks
<f_> (at least it feels nicer to look at)
<f_> By the way that server slowdown issue yesterday was a VPS issue
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<f_> Guess what?
<f_> Writing to 0x1000000 seems to work
<narmstrong> Noice
<f_> I'll have to test further just to be sure
<f_> But relocating the stack b0rks
<f_> Probably a wrong address then
<f_> I'm proud of my DRAM init code :^)
<f_> Not that good, at least as far as upstream coding style goes, but I can polish it later
<f_> It's better than Amlogic code
<f_> and of course, I'm abusing #if
<f_> I think I spoke too soon.
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<f_> Writing seems to work, but reading b0rks
<chewitt> half-way done then :)
<f_> lol
<narmstrong> Just avoid reading then :-p
<f_> Yeah run linux on SRAM
<f_> Just avoid initialising DRAM
<f_> interesting
<f_> newer BL2 run memTestDataBus() on 0x0
<f_> This looks suspicious to me:
<f_> _DAT_c1300000 = 1;
<f_> aka.
<f_> writel(1, 0xc1300000);
<f_> done before testing the dram
<f_> and after the tests:
<f_> writel(0, 0xc1300000);
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<f_> //wr_reg(0xC1300000, 0x00000001);
<f_> //__asm__ volatile("ISB");
<f_> //__asm__ volatile("DMB SY");
<f_> apparently remaps the address space?
<narmstrong> Looks like something to do
<f_> it doesn't change anything, at all.
<narmstrong> Perhaps this remaps to 0 so it can be tested from bl2 then it’s remapped to 0x1000000
<f_> Perhaps
<f_> But then this register is reset to 0
<f_> and honestly I doubt this is necessary
<f_> ^ try with this tree
<f_> I think DRAM init works when using this tree, but then it'll fail to load anything
<f_> but DRAM init works
<f_> that's by using this
<f_> It's just a port of dram init code as seen in the old sources
<f_> narmstrong: looks like this indeed remaps to 0x0
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<f_> 0xc1300000, I mean
<f_> I could report that again to U-Boot SPL but it's not really worth it.
<f_> s/report/port/
<f_> the timer is probably the issue
<f_> just to be sure: udelay(100000);
<f_> get_timer() always returns 0, too
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<f_> ..but udelay works
<Kwiboo> f_: do you set CONFIG_COUNTER_FREQUENCY=24000000 ?
<f_> I did
<f_> IIRC, let me check again
<f_> Yup, it's set
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<f_> Doesn't seem like I missed anything..?
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<f_> ^ probably missed this
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<f_> lvrp16, narmstrong: BTW, may I ask what are you going to talk about this month?
<f_> Am curious :)
<lvrp16> I am not giving any talks.
<f_> Thought you were going to?
<f_> Let me double-check
<lvrp16> I am listed on the speakers page but I don't have a full talk. Just a greet.
<f_> Ah
<f_> I was confused about that for a second.
<f_> ^ didn't see this
<f_> lvrp16: and of course, libre computer is listed at the top of the sponsors page :P
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<f_> I wonder who had that great idea :P
* f_ sees that sweetpotato is now for sale.
<f_> next: cottonwood :)
<f_> Stays true to the librecomputer design fashion: all white with coloured GPIO!
<lvrp16> 5 cent marketing lol
<f_> Now, with USB-C!
<f_> I wonder if role-switching works, on that USB-C port
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<lvrp16> f_: Sweet Potato has no USB on the Type-C, there's not enough channels
<lvrp16> it's a dummy power port with Rd
<f_> Sure
<f_> Still nice to see USB-C
<f_> I think RPi4 can't do role-switching either, have to check when I'm bored
<lvrp16> Yeah good riddance to MicroUSB. We have to update La Frite to use Type-C and PoE as well
<f_> Make it the same colour as lepotato/sweetpotato
<lvrp16> the IP block requires the ID pin
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<f_> lafrite looks slightly blue
<f_> No idea why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<lvrp16> it's the oils used to make the PCB color
<lvrp16> white is very difficult to do for PCB
<f_> and lafrite is supposed to be cheaper than lepotato
<lvrp16> yeah between now and then end of the year, we're introducing a lot of new software features.
<f_> Also, what's the difference between AML-S905X-CC-V1.0 and AML-S905X-CC-V1.0-A?
<lvrp16> clean up the years of work everyone put in to make something usable
<lvrp16> 1.0 is 1.0A
<f_> In the pictures the GPIO is all black, but what I got had coloured headers
<f_> So I thought 1.0A was different
<lvrp16> x.yZ, x is product version, y is revision, Z has no purpose or arbitrary purpose
<lvrp16> It would be V1.1A V1.2A etc
<lvrp16> kernel style V1.110A
<lvrp16> all the revisions are software compatible, versions are different products.
<f_> But then was that colourful GPIO header added recently?
<lvrp16> yeah, we are switching everything to them. after counting pins for the 1000th time, I had enough.
<lvrp16> if it was like 8 pins, ok, but 20 pins...
<f_> Have to say they look nice
<f_> And they indeed help. I wish I had that with raspberrypies too
<f_> Could've saved me from checking for the 2000th time.
<f_> ...just to hook up UART
<f_> (I ran some libre/open source boot firmware and only composite video HDMI
<f_> (that was someone else's work. I did help a little bit back then)
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<f_> (Pi1-Pi4 are 'supported', it was recommended to use the Pi2 for the time being as it had the most things working)
<f_> (IIRC Pi4 can't even boot anything)
<f_> (same for Pi1. Pi2 can boot linux on one core)
<f_> lvrp16: Anyway I like that change :)
<lvrp16> hahaha I use
<lvrp16> so much
<lvrp16> Pi 2 was probably the most OK RPi board
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<f_> IIRC the reason why RPi don't give full schematics is because of Broadcom
<f_> I think that's also the reason why their boot firmware is proprietary
<f_> I'm not helping cleverca22 (the one who's working on that firmware) anymore, but am willing to start working helping him again at some point.
<f_> s/working //
<f_> Eventually I'd like to move away from github
<f_> If all github projects had their home somewhere else I'd consider nuking my github account
<f_> same for gitlab, which I used for hosting my repos before
<f_> (I use my own infra for all git repos a git server isn't as complicated as one might think)
<f_> hey, you could run a git server on lepotato and it would run fine
<lvrp16> le potato runs all of our manufacturing lines
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<f_> may as well create a "powered by librecomputer lepotato" sticker lol
<f_> But yeah, hosting your own git server doesn't really require much I wonder why people don't do it more often instead of relying on centralised proprietary hosting owned by some not very trustworthy company.
<f_> (or even just relying on one of these small libre hosting)
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<f_> I did miss some stuff in dmc init
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<f_> Really weird..
<f_> Amlogic code is true magic
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<narmstrong> f_: g12/sm1 can do role switching very well if routed on an micro-usb, with the proper CC management chip and driver it can also do role switching, everything is in place
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<f_> Nice
<f_> minute: ^ could be interesting then
<f_> Now that I think about it.
<narmstrong> on gxl, it's another story... it was their first design with DWC3 and rose switching requires a full unbind/rebind of the host and gadget drivers to work cleanly
<lvrp16> it's pretty ugly as Neil indicated
<lvrp16> there's probably a hack to do it without a full rebind but that's on a list of things to do
<f_> I presume gxbb used DWC2?
<f_> Reminds me of how it's done on SDM845 phones
<f_> if you wanted your USB-C charging port to be in host mode you'd need to modify the device tree, when running mainline (at least on OnePlus 6)
<f_> (although there's work in automatically switching roles)
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