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<f_> Was testing if sound came from the jack on my lepotato, seems to not work
<f_> Pretty sure some alsa configs are missing.
<f_> Can't test HDMI audio as the only monitor that can do HDMI audio also happens to be the one the lepotato dislikes
<f_> I don't really mind about the resolution..could probably try forcing 1080p.
<f_> Or even 720p..or perhaps 4K (will get downscaled anyway)
<f_> Will try hardcoding the display in sec
<lvrp16> Which display make and model again?
<f_> Samsung Odyssey G5.
* f_ painfully tries to switch outputs from his computer.
<f_> Yeah still no output
<f_> lvrp16: As for analog audio..will link to this page on the wiki
<f_> and try.
<f_> I just found a complete RPi2/3 case..lepotato fits in perfectly :)
<f_> along with the eMMC case modifications required!
<f_> No idea if that display issue also happens on my KII Pro..haven't tested
<f_> As for the asound.state..if it works I should perhaps package it
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<f_> lvrp16: Sound magically works now!
<lvrp16> You don't need to. We have acm profiles.
<f_> Just needed the alsa confs
<lvrp16> Asound.state is a hack because of missing ucm2 profiles
<f_> Makes sense
<lvrp16> Manually keep state
<f_> Are they upstreamed?
<f_> I can't find any UCM2 profile for lepotato..perhaps should I download them from somewhere as they don't seem to be upstreamed
<lvrp16> I have it. I will share when I wake up.
<f_> Sure. I'll add them in the device package then.
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<narmstrong> At some point the ucm profiles should be upstreamed
<narmstrong> It’s a big hole in the racket on the audio experience
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<f_> narmstrong: That's for sure.
<f_> These should definitely get upstreamed for a better audio experience out of the box.
<f_> A simple asound.state file just isn't enough.
<f_> Am looking at my BL2 decomp.
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<f_> lvrp16: Just saw you were going to give free cottonwood boards, to people going to Embedded Recipies. Nice :)
<f_> narmstrong: Speaking of Embedded Recipies, I hope you'll have fun there!
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<narmstrong> Sure !
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