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<f_> chewitt I pushed to my repo yesterday, if you want you can test it on your WP2
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<f_> Do as I said yesterday and write to an SD card with: `doas dd if=u-boot-gxbb-with-spl.bin of=/dev/bootdev conv=fsync,notrunc bs=512 seek=1`
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<f_> lvrp16: sure
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<f_> Kwiboo: Wanna have fun with SPL again?
<f_> I'll finish DRAM init today and will let you test with different rank settings.
<f_> (if you want :) of course)
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<f_> Time for testing!
<f_> I added support for other rank settings
<f_> but I think I missed some stuff...
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<f_> I did
<f_> ^ should be ok
<f_> Time to work on gxl!
* f_ hooks up his lepotato to UART
<f_> It's a really nice SBC, so why not make it nicer by running SPL on it..
<Kwiboo> f_: Great and nice work!, I will test your updated code later :-)
<f_> Thanks
<f_> Let's see if gxl runs BL2 at EL3 or at EL1
<Kwiboo> Did some quick tests on my Wetek Hub yesterday, used the c2 build and it worked, after I wrote 0 to sector 0 of emmc
<f_> Oh nice!
<f_> One more working device!
<f_> Kwiboo: I'd guess it worked after a few resets though, because of DRAM
<f_> Wrong DRAM rank mode.
<Kwiboo> I think the hub use same rank, wp2 use diff rank
<f_> Ah ok
<f_> Thought WeTek Hub used different ranks.
<Kwiboo> but it got configured with 2gb ram so u-boot behaved strange
<f_> Kwiboo: Yeah the DRAM size was hardcoded
<f_> I fixed that and now it writes the size set in CONFIG_DRAM_SIZE
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<Kwiboo> I also tested a quick run on my old odroid-n2, rev0.4 20190307, s922x/g12b, and it started SPL in EL3 same as c4/sm1
<f_> hm
<f_> I seem to remember in the TF-A docs that if BL1 isn't TF-A it's expected that BL2 runs at EL3...
<f_> Let me find that real quick
<f_> >When the platform has a non-TF-A Boot ROM it is desirable to jump directly to BL2 instead of TF-A BL1. In this case BL2 is expected to execute at EL3 instead of executing at EL1. Refer to the Firmware Design document for more information.
<f_> I'll go.
<Kwiboo> btw, I will try to finish up and send out a small mmc pwrseq patch allow disable in SPL, and possible another related to spl_board_prepare_for_boot not being called before jumping to atf
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