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<lvrp16> f_[xmpp]: you cannot compare a site without JS with one that has JS. It maintains a constant connection to check notifications.
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<f_> lvrp16: honestly have no idea what it could be
<f_> discourse runs fine on potatoes
<f_> Discourse is pretty nice
<f_> Now thinking about this idea: when I get U-Boot SPL working, I could probably run the same tests you run at the factory
<f_> would be worth trying
<f_> and second test would be putting kodi on one of these boards and, like, using it as an actual media center.
<f_> Both would be nice to see how reliable it will perform.
<f_> As for the tests, I assume you're using this right?
<f_> Enough talking! Let's continue.
<f_> 7win 13
<f_> (oops...)
<f_> Honestly I don't think it'll be 100% reliable (probably) but it would still be nice to see how reliable can we expect it to be.
<f_> >*** clk: 12288 MHz ***
<f_> That's what it detects..obviously wrong
<f_> it should detect 912 MHz
<f_> and that will affect PHY init etc
<f_> since they make use of that detected value
<f_> >*** clk: 912 MHz ***
<f_> Much better
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<f_> But still, that wasn't the main issue
<f_> Still returns funny numbers.
<f_> Should perhaps push what I have?
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<f_> For once the datasheets are useful
<f_> DMC_DDR_CTRL looks well-documented
<f_> both in the S905 datasheet and S905X datasheet
<f_> (in S905X you can also enable DDR4 there)
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* f_ on his way to hardcode the size to 512MB.
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<f_> Really makes you that old dram init code incomplete?
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<f_> What's PPCFG?...
* f_ on his way to download every single leaked Amlogic datasheet available in the wiki
<f_> Nothing convincing
<f_> Says bit 0 sets the DRAM to 16 bit
<f_> but what do the other bits do?
<f_> >p_ddr_set->t_pctl0_ppcfg = (0xF0 << 1);
<f_> ^ amlogic-bl2.git/plat/gxb/ddr/ddr.c ddr_pre_init
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