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<kbingham> lvrp16, o/
<narmstrong> kbingham: o/
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<f_> kbingham: o/
<f_> you're in #raspberrypi-internals too..nice :)
<kbingham> f_, Heya - Were you also at ER ?
<kbingham> I'm everywhere ;-)
<f_> No, unfourtunately.
<f_> But I still watched some ER talks
<f_> so far ER looks pretty good
<f_> I like how it works, too.
<f_> unlike other conferences (e.g. LibrePlanet) everyone gets to watch the same thing, for example.
<f_> Anyway, am currently hacking lepotato
<f_> that's the next victim of my BL2 reverse-engineering :)
<f_> previous victim was an old set-top box..and it's currently booted to linux w/ U-Boot SPL.
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<f_> Just made a quick loop to check for unused register #defines
<f_> The joys of POSIX shell :)
<f_> and that returns a long, long list of unused defined registers
<f_> ^ prettified output
<f_> Of course there are some false-positives such as DMC_HEVC_SEC_READ_CTRL
<f_> but DMC-related region registers are the only false-positives.
<f_> I'll remove all these and thus shrink dram-gx.h
<f_> Should make it easier to port to gxl after that
<f_> (as at this point we can just change the base address of some of these)
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<f_> haha Pi5 has all the proprietary firmware in SPI
<phh> non-writable to pass FSF requirements?
<f_> No idea
<f_> I miss the old Pi boards where the firmware was on SD card
<narmstrong> I still don’t understand what is so secret to have this firmware not open source
<f_> Me either
<f_> apparently it's because of broadcom
<f_> IIRC
<phh> narmstrong: especially since i think some people started rewriting floss?
<narmstrong> Same for the config.txt, it was ok for rpi1 but honestly today it’s dumb
<f_> and I was a contributor before
<f_> I still have push access ;)
<f_> I also don't understand why RPi only gives partial schematics :P
<f_> SoC vendors just don't want people to look at how their SoC works..which should be a basic right
<f_> instead they say 'ok here's this proprietary firmware you can use to boot. use it and everything will be fine'
<f_> 'don't bother us with open source'
<f_> Until some weirdo goes on his way to reverse-engineer that firmware
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<f_> 'uh oh' :P
<f_> narmstrong: What's ironic is the fact that a lot of the init bits in librerpi were based on linux code
<f_> I wish amlogic contributed to U-Boot by themselves
<f_> Woah
<f_> Long-awaited cleanup of some files!
<f_> dram-gx.h:
<f_> dram-gx.c:
<f_> dram-gx.h is muuuuuuch nicer to look at now
<f_> From 1034 lines to just 346!
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<Kwiboo> f_: Looks nice with some cleanup :-), I have not had any time to do any real testing/dev/hacking for past week or two, only sent out some smaller patches that was already written
<f_> Thanks! "I have not had any time to do any real testing/dev/hacking" np
<f_> Am now looking at the S905X datasheet to see which registers they moved to other addressed
<f_> *addresses
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<lvrp16> beware of datasheets
<lvrp16> they're almost always wrong in a lot of places, need to verify
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