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<lvrp16> aeroraptor: haha like I said 98 although I am not sure about the interrupts line
<lvrp16> it could be PPS is using gpio_to_irq instead of using the actual interrupt described in the DT
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<f_> I should try making ldto work on postmarketOS..would be nice.
<f_> Especially for these boards, and for me :P
<f_> would make enabling SPI much easier.
<f_> TODO
<f_> lvrp16: Also something funny about postmarketOS
<f_> the name "postmarketOS" suggests that it's an aftermarket OS..the thing is, when FairPhone introduced the FP5, Luca Weiss (someone at FP) made a merge request adding support for it :P
<f_> so ironically postmarketOS supported the FP5 *before* it even became available...premarketOS
<f_> Let's get back to fixing up init
<f_> So if I understand correctly, the PHY inits successfully
<f_> 0xc0000fff seems to indicate success.
<f_> The problem must be DMC-related in this case.
<f_> This is where we enable regions in memory
<f_> I noticed something
<f_> On cold boot PGSR0 == 0x80000fff
<f_> On reboot PGSR == 0xc0000fff
<f_> luckily since it seems like the DRAMC has many siblings in other SoCs, supported by U-Boot SPL...I can try figuring out what exactly succeeded
<f_> (or failed)
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<f_> I modified something and now it fails to init the PHY!
<f_> PGSR0 == 0xc0000006
<f_> grepping for PGSR0 in the u-boot tree
<f_> Told you!
<f_> >>> bin(0xc0000006)
<f_> '0b11000000000000000000000000000110'
<f_> bits 1 and 2 as well as bits 30 and 31..
<f_> Looking at this list of #define's
<f_> PLDONE means PLL lock done
<f_> DCDONE means DDL calibration done
<f_> ^ these are good
<f_> As for SRDERR and APLOCK..
<f_> SRDERR seems normal
<f_> (happens on cold boot)
<f_> But yeah no PGSR0_IDONE
<f_> (means init done)
<f_> So..PGSR0 doesn't seem to report any error
<f_> Ok so reverted whatever I did and it succeeds again
<f_> That PGSR0 register is really nice
<f_> One more SoC (H6/sun50i) uses a similar DRAM
<f_> So much SoCs to borrow documentation from!
<f_> sun6i dram code looks similar, too.
<f_> Especially the phy init code
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<f_> Note to myself: the address map might be wrong.
<f_> I'll go.
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