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<f_> narmstrong: the p200 bl30(1) in amlogic-boot-fip are the latest binaries right?
<f_> Kwiboo: I seem to remember that p201 bl301 b0rks on anything that's not p201
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<narmstrong> No idea, I think chewitt pushed them
<f_> sure
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<Kwiboo> f_: yes, p200/p201 bl30.bin requre 40kb/13kb split, and rest of bl30.bin typically require 41kb/12kb split
<f_> Yeah I actually investigated and the hang is because it's waiting for the SCP, before running the firmware
<Kwiboo> <<-- they changed back to 40kb at Thu Sep 29 19:24:36 2016 +0800
<f_> cloning that repo
<Kwiboo> then bl301.bin should match memory layout introduced/expected from newer bl30.bin blobs, it is a real mess with all these changes back and forth
<f_> Indeed
<f_> I wonder how BL2 handles that
<f_> but that means depending on the bl30+bl301 pair the bl2 must match too...
<f_> what a mess
<f_> Same for bl31...
<Kwiboo> and yes, I recommend cloning that bl2 and bl30 and possible uboot repo, they the commit logs provide some details, event if most newer changes seem to be related to g12
<f_> I hate how radxa organised their repos
<f_> they have a separate U-Boot repo and separate bl30/bl31/bl2 repos...
<f_> Kwiboo: but it seems like HK U-Boot has that 'GXL/GXBB/GXTVBB/TXL: change bl301 addr' commit
<Kwiboo> guess that is probably how the sdk was organized in different repos
<Kwiboo> khadas have similar repos, but older commits:
<f_> HK U-Boot is also a mess
<f_> they merge instead of rebasing :/
<Kwiboo> f_: I think hk u-boot even predates that change, their repo predates the change from 40kb -> 44kb -> 41kb -> 40kb
<f_> I got a postmarketOS maintainer to try out U-Boot SPL on his ODROID-C2
<f_> just to notice that it can't run the SCP firmware ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Kwiboo> hehe, yeah, I also had issues on c2, the blobs from libreelec fip repo requore separate scp upload, the blobs at should work with single scp upload
<f_> Told him to use p200 bl30*
<Kwiboo> then you cannot use the bl301 from c2
<f_> also p200 bl301
<f_> Told them to use p200 bl30+bl301
<f_> sure
<f_> I now told them to use your binaries instead. Let's see how this goes.
<Kwiboo> started out from a newer scp_task baseline and just ported in all changes unique from c2
<f_> I'll try them out on my box too
<f_> One sec
<Kwiboo> it does not help that I completely re-wrote the cec handling for c2, so sync related to cec is a mess
<f_> I'm not really interested in CEC for now. As long as it boots..should be fine :)
<Kwiboo> hehe, my old cec wakeup PR is still open, yet the code was merged and then they moved the code into its own repo after that:
<f_> haha
<f_> back in 2016 lol
<f_> hmm same symptoms
<f_> even after modifying
<f_> ODROID-C2 BL301 works fine on my box though.
<f_> but then again, needs multiple tries.
<f_> (your BL301, I mean)
<f_> Hopefully we can have something much more reliable when we move SCP loading to BL31.
<f_> Kwiboo: ^ for that, my decomp could help
<f_> pushing now
<Kwiboo> in the end we will probably need a new repo from where all these scp_task variants can be compiled from, e.g. upgrade all bl301 so that they can run with a specific bl30
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<f_> sure
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<f_> Should be up-to-date now.
<f_> also updated the README so that amlogic staffers can now spam my mailbox with ceast and desist emails
<f_> Time to work on gxl again
* f_ looks for a spare SD card
<f_> I'll set this lepotato up correctly
<f_> installing postmarketOS (again!)
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<f_> watching some ER talks B)
<f_> while installing debian (changed my mind) on lepotato
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<f_> I'll replace that U-Boot fork with mainline too (I have to)
<f_> "mainline" tree I mean
<f_> narmstrong: nice talk
<f_> It definitely wasn't boring :)
<f_> I wanted Wi-Fi on lepotato but Realtek adapters are always b0rked lol
<narmstrong> Thx!
<f_> narmstrong: it was really good.
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<f_> lvrp16: Nice little talk too. :)
<f_> I just watched it
<f_> I think that realtek adapter is just missing firmware
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<f_> lvrp16: debian works really well on lepotato as well!
<f_> everything working as expected it seems
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<f_> Reversing gxl BL2 DRAM init
<f_> It's actually really easy I can name some of the functions from memory.
<f_> the codebase is mostly the same
<f_> DRAM init changed a bit
<f_> ddr_init isn't called by bl2_main anymore
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<f_> By the way this is actually p212 BL2
<f_> should be identical to lepotato BL2 except for e.g. arch (AArch32 v.s. AArch64)
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<f_> Damn ums is really nice
<f_> just press a button while plugging USB, run pyamlboot, all set
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<f_> /wi 27
<f_> ^ oops.
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<lvrp16> f_: pretty exhausted from KR/ER :D
<lvrp16> yeah pyamlboot was a great tool narmstrong developed on the side
<f_> still is?
<f_> lvrp16: Do you mean it's unmaintained now?
<lvrp16> f_: haha reading too much into grammar
<f_> You said 'was' :D
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<f_> ER was in the perfect day for you to talk about cottonwood too :D
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<lvrp16> yeah, it really was, Tomeu and Neil and Igalia talks were all relevant
<lvrp16> and laurents talk on ISPs
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