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<lvrp16> that is amazing
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<Kwiboo> Have now pushed the code, broke it down into smaller commits, and as mentioned power/pll/mailbox code was copied almost 1:1 from bl2, see
<Kwiboo> Some small findings: for some reason use of CONFIG_SYS_ARCH_TIMER stopped working, so I changed to use timer e, same as bl2
<Kwiboo> reverted some of the newer values in ddr init, to match the one bl2 for c2 use, still seemed to work with newer values
<Kwiboo> for some reason the dram size written into GX_AO_SEC_GP_CFG0 does not seem to stick, and instead reading it back in get_effective_memsize() returned 0, so use gd->ram_size as a workaround
<Kwiboo> bl30.bin and bl301.bin must be running or bl31.bin will hang on aml_thermal_unknown() call
<Kwiboo> bl31 for gxbb should probably switch to use bl31_params_parse_helper(arg0, NULL, &bl33_image_ep_info), instead of redefine gxbb_bl31_param that is an exact copy of the v1 params struct
<Kwiboo> on gxbb (c2) BL2 seem to be started at EL1, on sm1 (c4) BL2 seem to already be started at EL3, so no need to ask BL1 to re-execute SPL in EL3
<Kwiboo> skipping exception vectors and use of tiny mmc framework seem to save 6-7 kb
<Kwiboo> ues of psci_system_reset in SPL seem to do nothing on gxbb, however on sm1 it triggers an exception loop, watchdog should probably be used to reset in SPL
<narmstrong> Kwiboo: this is awesome!
<narmstrong> Kwiboo: do you use upstream bl31 ?
<Kwiboo> Thanks, and yes, this whas lts-2.8.8
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<f_> lvrp16, narmstrong, Kwiboo: honestly after you get DRAM to work everything else is trivial
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<lvrp16> what's in BL30?
<f_> Kwiboo: The reason why GX_AO_SEC_GP_CFG0 doesn't have the DRAM size is because nothing writes to it.
<f_> lvrp16: no idea. Will probably be the next thing to reverse-engineer :D
<f_> narmstrong: As for U-Boot SPL maintainership I'm available to maintain it
<lvrp16> could really use this for g12 since the bootloader amlogic provides does not support anything but lz4
<lvrp16> and the A311D stuff is at the boundary of what lz4 can fit in 1MB
<f_> lvrp16: I guess you owe me a cottonwood lol
<f_> SPL in g12 would be nice, indeed
<lvrp16> we implemented lzma for u-boot, not fully merged
<f_> As for gxl
<lvrp16> but it's so fast and small
<lvrp16> 1MB becomes 0.5MB
<lvrp16> 1MB lz4*
<f_> It's probably going to be easy to port lepotato, but porting lafrite will involve reversing DRAM init again
<f_> but it should be doable :)
<lvrp16> they're that different?
<f_> lepotato uses DDR3 while lafrite uses DDR4 IIRC?
<lvrp16> oh you mean DDR tuning support?
<f_> yeah
<lvrp16> does rockchip use the same controller?
<f_> No, but it's still similar
<lvrp16> saucha from pengutronix already did a number on that
<f_> The SoC I found using the closest controller so far is Allwinner sun6i
<lvrp16> rockhip rk3399's DRAM controller
<f_> As for g12..i.MX8MQ
<f_> ok. I'll write some upstreamable code for pll and power init
<f_> power init is going to be easy. Just port bl21 code to SPL
<f_> (or the old code but it remained mostly unchanged)
<f_> Oh, power init is very simple
<lvrp16> yeah it's a a few lines
<f_> pll init...very simple to reimplement too
<f_> Already did it once, then removed the entire code I wrote
<f_> lol
<f_> Kwiboo: I think BL30 and BL301 should be in the same binary
<lvrp16> most of the clock setup is in the driver already so it makes things easier
<f_> lvrp16: You're right!
<lvrp16> about what?
<f_> >most of the clock setup is in the driver already so it makes things easier
<lvrp16> yes, when I was checking the suspend code, it was stupidly simple
<lvrp16> and they power off the entire domain
<f_> We really did a lot of progress yesterday :)
<f_> just need to <del>send this upstream</del>
<f_> I mean port to lepotato
<f_> Would be nice to have gxbb+gxl support on the same patch series
<f_> After that, just need to test how reliable it is
<Kwiboo> f_: regarding GX_AO_SEC_GP_CFG0 do not retain any value is because we need to write to the SEC_AO_SEC_GP_CFG0 in sec address base
<f_> Kwiboo: Yeah that's what I said above
<Kwiboo> did not read all text yet :)
<f_> I'll fix that myself. Just involves adding a writel somewhere
<f_> Kwiboo: We did a nice work :)
<Kwiboo> you already have it in dram_init, just wrong reg
<f_> Indeed
<f_> Thanks
<f_> Indeed, wrong address base
<f_> I checked just now
<f_> The hard part should be over now
<f_> (or was it already over yesterday? :) right?)
<Kwiboo> f_: for bl30 and bl301 they need to be sent over mailbox as two separate binarys, guessing on gxl+ it is just a single bl30, should also be easy to pad and combine in binman
<f_> Looks like it's a single binary on gxl too
<f_> *gxbb
<f_> send_bl30x is only called for bl30
<f_> Kwiboo: That's in the old sources
<Kwiboo> ahh, they combine it in new?
<Kwiboo> possible it will work also
<f_> Seems like it.
<Kwiboo> separate seem to work on my c2
<f_> Your C2 probably uses an old BL2
<f_> merged bl30+bl301 is how my box boots up
<Kwiboo> yes it is very old, probably older then the remove bl2 commit
<f_> The WP2 binary is newer it seems
<Kwiboo> one thing missing that bl2 also does is read from saradc and write board id/hwid into AO_SEC_GP_CFG0
<f_> Whenever it's actually necessary...who knows?
<narmstrong> who's the user of the board id/hwid ?
<narmstrong> all board I saw had the same as the reference design...
<Kwiboo> found some random code that used hwid when I did a google/github search earlier, so probably nice to have it
<Kwiboo> f_: Agree, we made great progress yeasterday, most hard parts are over, at least for gxbb :-)
<f_> For gxl too..but it depends on which board we're talking about :)
<f_> For lepotato it's probably going to be easy
<f_> Signing is already done, thanks again btw
<f_> Just need to implement support for one rank
<f_> (should be easy)
<Kwiboo> Only think I have an early revision of vim1 v12 in gxl family
* f_ throws a potato at Kwiboo
<f_> VIM1 should be ok
<f_> As long as it's gxl
<lvrp16> f_: re cottonwood, we just got the units for KR/ER, probably can ship to you from Europe.
<f_> Sure
<f_> honestly if you shipped from china it wouldn't matter much to me
<f_> I'm not that kind of person who eagerly waits for some SBC to arrive as fast as possible :)
<f_> As long as it arrives, should be fine :)
<f_> + I don't need them *right now*
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<f_> I wonder how SPL is supposed to load the SCP firmware
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<f_> For some reason I keep getting synchronous aborts...
<f_> esr 0x96000210
<f_> followed by multiple other ones with esr 0x5e000000
<Kwiboo> I did some more digging into size and combined bl30.bin+bl301.bin and it seem to depend on the bl30.bin on how it will depend, unfortenetly there have been multiple base address changes for bl301.bin, so the bl31+bl301 pair need to match :S
<f_> Sure
<f_> Kwiboo: have you got these weird synchronous aborts?
<Kwiboo> c2 bl301 use a 40kb offset (so expect latest bl30.bin in that repo), wp2 bl301 use a 41kb offset and require a bl31 before
<Kwiboo> let me test, I disabled u-boot exception vectors in, to save ~4kb code size
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<f_> ah these other synchronous aborts were because it tried to reset via PSCI
<f_> But I still get one with esr 0x96000210
<f_> Yeah I know
<f_> Just fixes that
<f_> *fixed
<Kwiboo> I did notice earlier that fit load address may overlap with where mailbox tries to save it to
<f_> It doesn't try loading anything
<Kwiboo> that got me thinking to we need to use the mailbox, or could be just issue an end command to trigger execute code
<Kwiboo> this is still on your gxbb?
<f_> Kwiboo: yes
<f_> Want to get it to boot so that I can test it properly
<Kwiboo> f_: how does you binman node look like, should have fit,external-offset, fit,align and offset so that SPL know where to find int
<f_> Possible that I missed that
<Kwiboo> I have aligned my fit to be position at sector 100, and then each image in the fit will be block aligned
<Kwiboo> to prevent possible dma alignement issues
<f_> Kwiboo: same esr
<f_> Is SMPEN required?
<f_> Oh wait
<f_> I had STACK_R set
<f_> >mmc_load_image_raw_sector: mmc block read error
<Kwiboo> SMPEN is recommended for all a53, and seem old bl2 also enables it
<f_> yeah I think
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<Kwiboo> f_ did you try with / without the tiny mmc framework (CONFIG_SPL_MMC_TINY)
<f_> That was with the tiny framework
<f_> Will try without
<Kwiboo> tiny is working on my, also try with CONFIG_MMC_TRACE=y to see if any mmc commands gets issued
<Kwiboo> also try with, could be you are getting same error I got with ushort/uint and peephole2 optimization
<Kwiboo> at least with full mmc framework I got an error -110 if I remember correctly
<f_> Still doesn't work with ^
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