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<Kwiboo> f_: I think I have finalized amlimage now:, will git send-email later :-)
<f_> Awesome!
<f_> Have you tested gxl?
<f_> If not I can test.
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<Kwiboo> No, only tested gxbb (odroid-c2) and sm1 (odroid-c4), should probably try and find one of my gxl devices :-)
<f_> Don't worry. I'll test myself.
<f_> I happen to have 2 gxl boards....they're just next to my computer :)
<Kwiboo> Did notice that I could boot from emmc on my sm1 device, with image written to same offset as on SD-card @ 0x200
<f_> Yeah newer devices have offset at 512 for both emmc and SD.
<Kwiboo> Great
<f_> AFAICT only gxbb has the eMMC offset set to 0
<f_> Starting from gxl they fixed thiis
<f_> *this
<Kwiboo> complained about two small things so will push and send a slightly different version :-)
<f_> Sure :)
<f_> Kwiboo: Thanks for the patch!
<f_> Just received it.
<f_> I'll send a reply.
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<lvrp16> I wish vendors would just use sector 34 so no wasted space with GPT compatibility. Allwinner is 16 and rockchip is 64.
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