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<Kwiboo> f_: Building with KCFLAGS="-O1" also produce code that works, have not found correct combo of optimization flags to disable to get working code
<Kwiboo> Will send a RFC with the ushort to uint change to U-Boot mailing list later to ask if someone on list have any insights
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<f_> Kwiboo: looks like an env issue, probably
<f_> Also, looks like you're using Ubuntu/LinuxMint. I use Artix/Arch
<f_> But yeah do send the RFC
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<f_> I was thinking of doing some sysadmin stuff today but scrap that idea
<f_> Let's continue.
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<Kwiboo> yes, my compiles was from inside a docker container with FROM ubuntu:jammy, will also try debian:bookworm later
<f_> You love docker don't you?
* f_ really considers on using docker containers for everything, on his server.
<f_> Docker's nice.
<f_> Kwiboo: But perhaps also try arch?
<f_> I'm actually almost done rewriting
<Kwiboo> Yes, I have migrated my few local services into docker containers long time ago, and now I just need to restart the service to upgrade to latest version :)
<f_> I should migrate to alpine linux
<f_> considering how I chose a very low-end VPS
<f_> (1 cpu core, gets the job done though)
<f_> and I should probably also host public-inbox instead of telling people to send patches to my personal protonmail email address
<f_> But I host most of my things, including a pastebin, blog, git (obviously), etc
<f_> </offtopic> :)
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<f_> I'm proud of what I've done
<f_> You got a struct full of timings, and you can either:
<f_> * use the defaults as is (depends on CONFIG_DRAM_CLK)
<f_> * or, supply your own board-specific struct
<f_> that's what I'd like to do
<f_> Thoughts?
<f_> also all the dumps are going to be #define constants, because why use a struct for this?
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<f_> Also I tend to use #ifdefs a lot
<f_> err, #if
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<Kwiboo> f_: Sounds nice!
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<Kwiboo> I have found out that if I build with KCFLAGS="-fno-peephole2" I no longer have issues, it stops using stp/ldp, but the generated code is also ordered differently, see
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<f_> gcc(1):
<f_> >Disable any machine-specific peephole optimizations.
<f_> ><...>
<f_> >-fpeephole is enabled by default. -fpeephole2 enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
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