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<f_> hi
<f_> Disabled MMC support in TPL for now
<f_> Kwiboo: I don't see anything wrong in my DRAM init code
<f_> so it could probably be LTO causing bugs
<f_> anyway, I'll try your suggestion of having a TPL which would do DRAM init and load SPL
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<f_> TPL: reading 0x1000000 returns -784017578
<f_> Error: test failed. pattern 0x1 != data
<f_> Kwiboo: seems like it's my code after all
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<Kwiboo> f_: strange, maybe some value that is configured is somehow wrong? I also tried to go over everything and it does seem to match the bl2 code and did not find anything sticking out
<Kwiboo> maybe we need to do a reg dump using old working atf bl2 code and compare to a reg dump after using u-boot spl dram init code
<f_> Funny fact; because we now have access to a (somewhat incomplete) decompilation of newer BL2 we could actually modify it
<f_> Shouldn't be too hard to dump the regs in new BL2
<f_> ^ sync with BL2 decompilation
<f_> Spoiler: still doesn't work
<f_> Kwiboo: Oh wait you meant my old port of their old code?
<f_> It resets multiple times on my box because of a wrong channel setting (RANK01_SAME v.s. RANK01_DIFF) but otherwise works, yes
<f_> Other regs should be fine. It's really the ones modified by BL2 in pre_init and everything else in the ACS
<f_> But let's try.
<f_> Kwiboo: Have you tested that code?
<Kwiboo> I will give your new commit a try, tried to compare all values with hardkernel bl2 decompile and all non-computed values was at least "correct"
<lvrp16> speaking of headbangs, we have been debugging manufacturing test USB issues for 3 days and it turns out sandisk controller craps out while 5 different other vendors do not. it seems the only American company that can get flash right is Intel.
<f_> oh lol
<lvrp16> every Crucial SSD (12) I've ever owned has died
<f_> Samsung apparently make good and durable SSDs
<lvrp16> 25% of my SanDisk MicroSD cards have failed
<f_> So far haven't got any problems with their SSD in my laptop
<lvrp16> Samsung is solid.
<lvrp16> I had 2 MicroSD cards out of 50 die. But I'm not exactly the average user.
<f_> In general, never trust MicroSD cards for sensitive stuff.
<f_> Same for USBs I'd say.
<lvrp16> I don't trust flash. I only trust Google Cloud :D
<f_> What if Google Cloud ran on flash
<lvrp16> I've lost way too much.
<lvrp16> 5N redudancy
<f_> Use cottonwood as NAS and make automatic backups :D
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<f_> lvrp16: In the meantime I recently had to replace a dead Samsung HDD
<lvrp16> we have another board for NAS coming next year with ECC.
<lvrp16> I wouldn't do NAS without ECC
<f_> Nice.
<f_> Will it be based on cottonwood?
<f_> Kwiboo: Even that last commit which syncs the code with BL2 doesn't work
<f_> so doubt it would work on your C2
<f_> Time for me to dump every single PCTL/PUB register
<Kwiboo> Tried to decompile u-boot spl and looks like it inject a dmb before each writel, something the bl2 will not do
<f_> hm
<Kwiboo> cache should be disabled so guess it should not matter, but at least something that is different
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<f_> I think that's all
<f_> Kwiboo: yeah it keeps injecting DMB's everywhere
<f_> But it shouldn't matter, indeed
<rockosov> Hello, everyone! Does anyone know of any open-source toolkit for the A311D NPU from Verisilicon or from other enthusiasts?
<f_> rockosov: tomeu is reverse-engineering the A311D NPU IIRC
<rockosov> f_: Nice! Is it any open results already? Or is it in progress?
<f_> No idea
<f_> Looks like there's some progress
* f_ hides
<rockosov> f_: Thank you so much for pointing me! Appreciate it!
<f_> Np!
<f_> Have fun
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