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<f_> lvrp16: nice!
<f_> Thanks!
<lvrp16> it's a lot of symlinking because various distros look for it in different places
<lvrp16> a bunch of headaches but it should at least cover debian 10, 11, ubuntu 20.04+
<f_> Should cover postmarketOS
<f_> And with that, I can just pull a tarball of this repo and use its configs.
<f_> Thanks a lot!
<f_> I'll quickly include them now and create an MR
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<f_> should hopefully take less time to get merged because of how trivial this is.
<f_> Draft until CI succeeds.
<f_> ...and classic mistake..forgot to increment pkgrel
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<f_> U-Boot SPL crashes with esr 0x96000000
<f_> According to it means: Abort caused by reading from memoryAddress size fault, level 0 of translation or translation table base register.
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<f_> My DRAM is still not b0rked by the way.
<f_> >DataBus test pass!
<f_> >AddrBus test pass!
<f_> Was concerned about my DRAM for some weird reason
<narmstrong> Noice
<f_> What's nice?
<f_> My DRAM code is still b0rked
<f_> :P
<f_> oh lol
<f_> they've been using that exact same memtest code since Meson6
<f_> narmstrong: I'd still say that going from hanging when trying to write to returning a weird number is progress.
<f_> so noice
<f_> Know of any boards who fail to init with specific acs?
<f_> In the meantime I'll try borrowing some sun6i documentation to try and understand what I wrote
<lvrp16> f_: give a talk at a conference about DDR
<lvrp16> once you wrap your head around all of it
<lvrp16> would be interesting for many people
<f_> uh not sure if I can give a talk at all
<f_> and I'm not really a DDR expert
<narmstrong> f_: i was referring to the ddr tests, so you didn’t run then ?
<f_> I did
<f_> reading returns some funny stuff
<f_> (on SPL)
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<f_> narmstrong: Want to know what I mean by funny stuff?
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<f_> >reading 0x1000000 returns 1069977389
<f_> >test failed. pattern 0x1 != data
<f_> ^ funny numbers
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<f_> It's funny how that usb stick lafrite refused to boot from also happens to be dying now.
<f_> Did lafrite detect it was dying, magically? Guess we'll never know :)
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<f_> sorry, laptop froze...
<f_> (seems like having multiple tabs open can literally slow down the machine when I can open 20+ tabs of other websites (most with JS disabled) fine...)
<f_> People tend to say "always test your sites on a potato", but I disagree
<f_> You'd rather always test your sites on french fries :) (very bad joke I know...)
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