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<f_> hi
<f_> Am comparing ghidra's decomp with my code.
<f_> I already see some missing stuff..
<f_> We were so close.
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<f_> Tbh gxl DRAM init overall is a little similar to gxbb
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<f_> I see: ddrt_p->cfg_ddr_tccdl
<f_> tccdl isn't present on gxbb IIRC
<f_> ah seems to be only used for ddr4
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<f_> Seems like it still hangs at trying to read
<f_> Let's just avoid reading from DRAM lol
<f_> and call it done
* f_ back to comparing code
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<f_> now.....
<f_> OK I first need to push ghidra files..
<f_> One sec..
<f_> Oh while at it let's also push some early decomp of aml_ddr.fw and SM1/G12B bl2.bin
<f_> git branch: master, thelinuxmacbook:fip-unmod » diff bananapi-cm4io/aml_ddr.fw ../u-boot_librecomputer/fip/g12b/aml_ddr.fw
<f_> Binary files bananapi-cm4io/aml_ddr.fw and ../u-boot_librecomputer/fip/g12b/aml_ddr.fw differ
<f_> and since I don't have the cottonwood boards yet to test if they can both be used on solitude or alta..
<f_> I'll upload librecomputer g12b aml_ddr.fw just to be safe.
<f_> just need to document how to extract code from that file..thanks xdarklight BTW.
<f_> As soon as I get the cottonwood boards I'll dump the bootrom for sure.
<f_> And at least I won't have to deal with AArch32 BL2 nonsense.
<f_> aml_ddr.fw seems like ddr firmware but it's just BL21 but for DRAM init
<f_> (for those curious who didn't read logs ^^)
<f_> I still think they have it because of size limits hardcoded in BL1.
<f_> (they manually load aml_ddr.fw from BL2 it seems, too.)
<f_> So reversing BL2 is a lot easier. Just figure out PLL init and copy-paste BL21 power init code, you're pretty much done.
<f_> Which is why I probably won't be reversing BL2 on anything G12.
<narmstrong> Nice so bl2 is quite empty now
<f_> narmstrong: Of course, BL2 has many more useless stuff like writing the board ID to saradc (IIRC)
<f_> but you only need DRAM, PLL, and power init to boot.
<f_> At least that's the case on gxbb and gxl
<narmstrong> Yep we can do the other stuff from u-boot
<f_> ISTR having discovered BL2 PLL init code in U-Boot too (amlogic's fork).
<f_> gxl BL2 PLL init code at least.
<f_> What is this?
<f_> the 2 lines with dxXlcdlr1
<f_> narmstrong: I guess SM1 and G12B use the same BL2 binaries, correct?
<narmstrong> Hmm Nop but they should be close
<f_> hmm
* f_ looks at lbs
<f_> $ diff aml-a311d-cc/bl2_new.bin aml-s905d3-cc/bl2_new.bin
<f_> Binary files aml-a311d-cc/bl2_new.bin and aml-s905d3-cc/bl2_new.bin differ
<f_> G12A then I guess?
<lvrp16> f_: I will check in a bit. I forgot.
<lvrp16> It is using a very old bl chain.
<lvrp16> I have to update it.
<f_> Sure.
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<f_> BTW seeing that you're already working on V1.0 now..will I get V1.0 instead of V0.2?
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<CyReVolt> Hey there, I'm happy to tell that now offers command to write a binary to SRAM and run it.
<f_> nice!
<CyReVolt> I've just commit initial notes on the newer `adnl` protocol and tool, which also has commands to write to and read from memory.
<CyReVolt> committed*
<CyReVolt> That should let us do the same on newer SoCs, though I haven't tried yet. Capturing some USB traffic is on the agenda.
<CyReVolt> It
<f_> I knew it
<f_> adnl is based on fastboot
<CyReVolt> It's really just a hacked up fastboot with some specific extra commands and such. Their adnl CLI tool is based on the older C++ implementation.
<f_> The output of that command did look familiar to me...
<CyReVolt> the weirdest part is the Lua library and the extensions they built into their libraries - I suspect it's for their testing
<f_> CyReVolt: have you got gxbb hw?
<f_> Nice to see adnl reverse-engineering work
<CyReVolt> I have no gxbb boards, no. Can you recommend one? :)
<f_> not really
<f_> I guess ODROID-C2, Videostrong KII Pro or WeTek Play2/Hub could be good candidates
<f_> but there are many set-top boxes claiming to be a KII Pro...
<CyReVolt> ok gotcha
<f_> so either get a C2 or WeTek Play2/Hub
<CyReVolt> Here is the log of my TV box based on S905X4 running my own kernel build, btw - I think I haven't shared it yet
<f_> >Sign in to GitHub
<f_> to continue to Gist
<CyReVolt> I had no idea how to configure the kernel. It's the Android TV aarch64 kernel with like 300 places of `#if CONFIG_AMLOGIC`
<CyReVolt> ah hang on
<CyReVolt> gotta omit the `edit` in the URL
<f_> SC2??
<f_> BL2E?????
<f_> > Hello, we are in BL2X world !
<f_> BL2X????????
<f_> Never heard of all this lol
* f_ afk
<CyReVolt> that is on S905X4 :-)
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<f_> Yeah I guess it's a new family
<f_> these logs are ridiculous though lol
<lvrp16> f_: there's v01 which is v0.1. v02 is v0.2. v1 will be v1 and the only difference is the addition of a switch and some changes to the SD card setup that does not affect the software.
<lvrp16> v02 and v1 is understood to be the same
<lvrp16> only v01 were prototypes
<lvrp16> CyReVolt: they got S905X5 soon :D
<lvrp16> too many models in rapid succession
<f_> lvrp16: Sure
<f_> Hello, we are in BL2X world !
<CyReVolt> not very surprising, probably also somewhere in the Metaverse market I suppose?
<f_> implies there are multiple BL2*
<f_> Honestly I expect junk with only 1% being needed init
<f_> But I don't have any SC2 boards so *shrug*
<f_> + there doesn't seem to be any fip recipe for it avilable publicly...
<CyReVolt> that includes a signed BL2X
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<phh> narmstrong: X4's AO CPU is RISC-V if that's what's surprising you?
<f_> O_o
<f_> Surprising indeed. It used to be a Cortex-M
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