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<lvrp16> lol
<lvrp16> bl30 has all of the "security" stuff
<lvrp16> a clean implementation with the "security" stuff would be nice
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* f_ magically appears.
<f_> lvrp16: I agree about the fact that reimplementing SCP_BL2 would be awesome.
<lvrp16> yeah gotta start from somewhere. that's awesome if g12 uses the same ddr controller and the code can be abstracted
<f_> According to minute a long time ago, the DDR firmware (not talking about aml_ddr.fw) seem identical
<f_> *identical to the iMX8MQ DDR firmware
<lvrp16> for g12 or gxl?
<f_> g12.
<lvrp16> oh g12
<f_> I'd assume that gxl works the same way as gxbb, regarding DDR.
<f_> And even if it doesn't I can still reverse-engineer the changes made.
* f_ starts getting confused..
<f_> A311D is g12 or SM1?
* f_ looks that up.
<f_> narmstrong, khilman: seems to have loaded instantly with no problems!
<f_> (Tor Browser)
<f_> It's g12.
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<f_> So that's great news.
<f_> SCP_BL2 however..
<f_> I could try making a libre replacement, but then I'm not sure if I'll maintain this.
<f_> thing at a time first.
<f_> And we also got TF-M, for Cortex-M CPUs.
<f_> and a reference implementation of an SCP firmware, from Arm.
<f_> But let's do one thing at a time. First, BL2.
<f_> And I actually intend to maintain whatever implementation port ends up getting used as BL2.
<f_> I'm more going towards using U-Boot SPL as BL2 though. Have any thoughts on that lvrp16 ?
<f_> (for me honestly as long as you have something libre that works, it's fine)
<lvrp16> g12
<f_> Didn't completly understand..sorry
<f_> Perhaps you responded to another message.
<lvrp16> I don't think it matters either way, only if you are concerned about license
<f_> Not really concerned about license.
<lvrp16> binman is nice
<lvrp16> for loading bl30 and whatever runs on the cortex m0
<f_> I like both BSD-3-Clause and GPL-2.0/GPL-3.0, so that's fine.
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<f_> lvrp16: Sure
<f_> looks nice.
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<f_> >Entry: scp: System Control Processor (SCP) firmware blob
<f_> This is exactly what we need.
<lvrp16> yeap
<f_> Also got so much more entries like.....cbfs!
<lvrp16> binman is really nice :D simon glass does great stuff
<f_> (coreboot file system in SPI flash)
<lvrp16> the whole bootstd stuff is sick
<f_> U-Boot as a whole is nice.
<f_> extremely configurable and extensible.
<lvrp16> yeah
<lvrp16> there's a lot of lower level cleanups needed but most of that is on the vendors
<f_> as said before, you don't use it because it works and is libre software, you use it because it's an entire customisable environment.
<f_> >Entry: atf-bl31: ARM Trusted Firmware (ATF) BL31 blob
<f_> Also got BL31, nice.
<f_> So let's use this!
<lvrp16> yeah we also have lzma and all kinds of different compression schemes
<lvrp16> it's nice
<f_> lvrp16: exactly what you need, right?
<f_> IIRC you kept using aml_encrypt_gxl or Amlogic BL31 because of compression
<f_> But at this point with U-Boot SPL all you'd have to do is insert a header at the top, just for BL1
<f_> Most of that stupid Amlogic FIP nonsense is handled by Amlogic's BL2.
<lvrp16> yeah, g12 binaries getting pretty large
<lvrp16> i had to strip out all of the unnecessary stuff to fit in our standard scheme
<f_> They're getting bloated.
<lvrp16> including removing a bunch of u-boot configs we would like
<lvrp16> they have a dozen of those large loadable 64K binaries that just eat up space and time
<f_> That's much more than the expected size of BL2+BL21 combined.
<f_> (assuming that hasn't changed)
<f_> The bootrom only loads up to 48K.
<lvrp16> this is for g12 only because of the LPDDR4 blobs and what not, they seem to abstract each DDR type's loader
<f_> Most of these seem to come from Synopsys
<f_> with the exception of aml_ddr.fw which is written by Amlogic.
<lvrp16> I wonder why Synopsys just doesn't write a driver for u-boot themselves
<f_> (as far as I can tell)
<f_> lvrp16: They believe in the 'security by obscurity' 'technique'.
<lvrp16> waste of engineering resources
<f_> after all, hackers could look at the source code and hack your IP!!1! and you don't want that, right???
<f_> But Synopsys stuff is protected by NDA, for sure.
<lvrp16> I guess it could be licensing issues
<f_> lvrp16: Probably, but I guess we'll never know.
<lvrp16> the thing is, you have to validate DDR controller against the foundary process, it's not like anybody can just do that.
<lvrp16> you need some serious scale
<f_> If Amlogic could make their own IP they probably would
<f_> but there's a reason why Synopsys IPs keep getting used by many SoCs, not just Amlogic.
<lvrp16> idk if it is feasible to do DDR controller yourself, it would be sucky slow
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<f_> Synopsys is the big tech of DDR controllers.
<f_> Anyway, I must go now.
<f_> See you later.
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<f_> Hi back :P
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* f_ is back.
<f_> Amlogic's ddr_init_pctl function is *huge*
<f_> So I'll split it into multiple smaller functions.
<f_> Readability :P
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<lvrp16> what is pctl?
<f_> protocol control I guess.
<f_> It inits the PHY and writes timings to some registers.
<f_> Seriously, it's huge.
<f_> binman is really nice though
<f_> Good job Simon Glass
<lvrp16> yeah binman is pretty useful
<lvrp16> bootstd is great too
<lvrp16> thank google for paying him
<f_> Thanks to Google most coreboot developers are from Google.
<f_> Google is everywhere.
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<f_> I'll have to go though. See you later!
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