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<f_> I said I was going to push BL1 dumps and decompilations but didn't do it..
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<f_> I'm copying the dumps and will also export a disassembly and C decompilation from Ghidra.
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<f_> Actually..I won't generate ghidra zip files anymore
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<f_> They're quite pointless when you can import the decomp or disassembly so I won't export them anymore.
<f_> (unless someone needs them..)
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<f_> You can also find the dumps I used, too.
<f_> but oh oh....Cgit messed up once again..
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<f_> That's what you get when you try self-hosting your git server :)
<f_> and use a custom stylesheet
<f_> Will fix that real quick and make it readable.
<lvrp16> they need to just hook up chatgpt with the registers definition and this
<lvrp16> reversing will take like a week
<f_> I didn't touch lepotato bl1.bin much but reverse-engineering bl1 shouldn't be harder than bl2
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<f_> Oh by the way everyone, feel free to DDoS my git server by downloading these binaries
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<f_> :^)
<f_> lvrp16: but I really mostly only worked on gxbb bl1.bin
<lvrp16> when is NSA going to provide the AI version
<f_> No need
<f_> Look for 'ghidra chatgpt'
<f_> or 'ghidra ai'
<lvrp16> haha
<f_> But I doubt ChatGPT is going to help
<f_> asked it to reverse-engineer gxbb BL2 and it returned an 'unknown error'
<f_> :^)
<lvrp16> well, it doesn't know about the chip registers
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<lvrp16> hook AI up with some header files, i'm sure AI can go miles
<lvrp16> of course need a purpose built tool
* f_ shrugs.
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<f_> Idea: let chatgpt write mainline code for all amlogic SoCs, let it DDoS by sending patches
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<f_> I think.
<f_> We got our base address, 1???, destination address, length
<f_> the base address is also defined in Amlogic's U-Boot sources, so nothing special there
<f_> lvrp16: also, when browsing I saw people having problems with Armbian because of an old kernel or something like that
<f_> I usually upgrade the amlogic kernel package quite frequently. Right now it's at 6.4.x
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<lvrp16> f_: I'm not sure how Armbian works in terms of kernel updates.
<f_> No idea either
<lvrp16> f_: we maintain a lot of stuff that cannot go in tree for one reason or another
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<f_> Usually in postmarketOS we try to use as much mainline as possible
<f_> It's ok to add patches, but they're expected to go upstream.
<lvrp16> I would not take Armbian's patches arbitrarily, some of them break things in my experience.
<f_> We don't take random out-of-tree patches arbitrarily.
<f_> Someone made a merge request adding lots of patches from got closed.
<f_> some postmarketOS maintainers chimed in, no understanding why all these patches
<f_> and I chimed in as well.
<f_> We accept patches in the package if they add a device tree or fix up some bug
<f_> e.g chewitt's KII Pro device tree patches which add support for audio and BT
<f_> ^ we actually removed these patches when upgrading to 6.4.x, because they got merged.
<f_> and preferably this is what we should do for all other patches we're currently applying.
<f_> (~2, all device tree patches)
<f_> Nowadays both lepotato/lafrite and KII Pro can run with no patches applied, which is nice :)
<f_> I'd even say the KII Pro is suitable for use as a media center now..minus the lack of DVB support.
<f_> We usually have only one device-specific package, e.g. device-librecomputer-lepotato
<f_> and they merely just have an /etc/deviceinfo which describes the device.
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<f_> I know why the mmc driver crashes!
<f_> mmc isn't being initialised!
<f_> (mmc_init isn't being ran, at all)
<lvrp16> your own mmc driver?
<lvrp16> for bl2?
<f_> No, TF-A has its own mmc driver
<f_> drivers/mmc
<f_> We just have to make use of it.
<f_> No idea if they have an SPI driver though.
<f_> (lafrite)
<f_> Would be nice to have mainline TF-A running from SPI, too.
<f_> and besides, with a 16 MiB SPI flash you can do a lot.
<f_> I like this :)
<f_> 16 MiB read-write SPI flash, on an Amlogic SBC :)
<f_> More than enough for a linux+busybox OS :)
<f_> This is literally one of the many things I like about the lafrite
<f_> and I'm also excited to see that lepotato-v2 will have SPI flash, too
<f_> AFAICS there's no SPI driver in mainline TF-A
<f_> It shouldn't be too hard to write one though.
<f_> Oh seems to require you to write some bits before it works.
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<f_> Amlogic are using structs in sdio_read_blocks...time to parse some more C sources!
<f_> But now that I think about it.....mainline U-Boot has support for reading from SD/eMMC....
<f_> so.....¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<f_> Let's get inspiration from that!
<f_> It's much more readable than whatever amlogic wrote.
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<lvrp16> f_: yes, V2 has SPI flash for os deployment
<f_> Really nice.
<f_> I can perfectly build a tiny linux+busybox image and put that in SPI, let U-Boot run it.
<f_> and put whatever in that tiny image.
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<f_> Honestly...
<f_> I'll try out U-Boot SPL.
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<f_> That'll make things a little easier I hope. I don't really want to tinker with TF-A mmc when U-Boot has a perfectly working driver already.
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<f_> I'm impressed.
<f_> U-Boot SPL is really simple!
<f_> You have one spl.c with all board-specific functions :)
<samueldr> hi f_! we're the day after tomorrow from two days ago :)
<f_> hi samueldr !
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<samueldr> (jokingly bringing up the topic) was there an issue with uploading the bl1 stuff, or just not gotten around to it?
<f_> I pushed the bl1 stuff a few hours ago.
<f_> In reversing-gxbb-bl2.git/bl1/.
<samueldr> ah, I'd foolishly assumed it would be its own repo, given bl2 naming
<samueldr> thanks!
<f_> Yeah this repo is actually not that big so may as well put the bl1 stuff there
<f_> repo name is still 'reversing-gxbb-bl2' despite the fact that there's gxl stuff too
<f_> samueldr: but np!
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<f_> I'll fiddle with U-Boot SPL tomorrow
<f_> So far it looks nice and small.
<f_> easily configurable.
<f_> narmstrong: You were right!
<f_> Well....I'll see how simple configuring U-Boot SPL is.
<f_> I'll go now.
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