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<f_> minute: I always check logs :D
<f_> josch: IIRC before the header the amlogic signing tool puts random bytes
<f_> Perhaps try using gxlimg?
* f_ looks at gxlimg source code.
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<f_> Either way aml_encrypt is completly proprietary
<f_> gxlimg lacks LZ4 support though, which may be a problem.
<f_> tbh I'm not familiar with the signing process on anything newer than gxbb
<f_> (except for BL2 signing which is mostly the same across all SoCs)
<f_> The overall header doesn't seem to have changed much though.
<f_> (how it works..)
<josch> f_: yes, the 528 differ but there is also a difference somwhere in the middle:
<josch> f_: and the first 528 bytes are not really "random", no?
<f_> oh yeah offset 0-0x200 are completly random
<f_> The same @AML header is used for each image IIRC
<josch> so i could as well zero those out and it would continue to work fine?
<f_> which is why there's another diff in 0x78200..
<f_> josch: Should work fine.
<josch> oh wow
<josch> what is the difference at 0x78200?
<f_> also random bytes.
<josch> XD
<f_> if it's not part of any binary and just before @AML then it's random XD
<josch> vkoskiv: would you be willing to try an u-boot with me having zeroed-out those bits? :)
<f_> Normally with these zeroed out it should still work.
<josch> i could just LD_PRELOAD something that lets /dev/random just return NULL when running the proprietary blob then
<f_> the random bytes before offset 0x200 can be zeroed out for sure.
<f_> josch: could use something else :D
<f_> Or..
<f_> in the U-Boot docs you're supposed to write using dd and skipping everything before offset 0x200
<josch> oh true, i totally forgot that we use dd bs=512 skip=1 to flash it
<josch> then it doesn't matter anyways
<f_> the diff in 0x78200 is written though
<josch> so weird that somebody went through the trouble of actually filling those bytes with binary data instead of zero bytes XD
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<f_> so weird that amlogic decided to implement a proprietary firmware packaging format for no reason
<josch> f_: thanks a lot for your input -- i'll do more tests :)
<josch> well... vkoskiv will do more test if they want to
<f_> and implementing segfaulting utils for that..
<josch> i'm just writing the scripts here :)
<f_> remember:
<f_> $ ./aml_encrypt_gxb
<f_> Segmentation fault
<josch> o0
<f_> Seems like they fixed this in newer 'versions'
<josch> i love tools without source...
<f_> but I would use gxlimg anyway..
<josch> yes, i'll see what happens when using gxlimg as well :)
<f_> thanks to repk_ and many others who made gxlimg!
<josch> one less binary blob in the stack is already an improvement :)
<f_> Am working on replacing that BL2 blob BTW
<f_> finally replaced it on gxbb/S905, now working on gxl/S905X
<f_> Replacing it with U-Boot SPL :D
<f_> one of the advantages is the fact that you only need one @AML header at the top for the bootROM to blindly run SPL..then you can use FIT for everything else.
<f_> (that's probably about 1-2% of gxlimg?)
<f_> As soon as it works on gxl I'll repeat for g12b and sm1 too (includes your A311D MNT Reform)
<josch> thanks a lot for all you people's work -- it's so sad that it's necessary in the first place but thank you for putting your free time there!
<f_> Np.
<f_> Also thank many others who helped along the way!
* josch spreads the good wishes to the rest of the crew
<f_> gxlimg and others are good but they only try to fix some symptoms of proprietary boot firmware..
<narmstrong> Yep spl as bl2 is the real solution
<f_> On a side note..nice to see more happy A311D MNT Reform owners
<f_> narmstrong: It's not. It's part of the solution.
<f_> The other part of the solution would be reversing the SCP fw as well.
<f_> and the last part of reversing BL31 was already done.
<narmstrong> Yep bits and pieces are slowly coming together
<f_> When before you thought a fully libre TF-A boot chain wouldn't be possible :D
* narmstrong needs to send the uboot PR…
<f_> Which U-Boot PR?
<f_> ah that
<f_> The usual u-boot-amlogic PR to master..
<narmstrong> I didn’t thought it was even remotely possible
<narmstrong> Yep this one, now ci passed
<f_> Nic
<f_> Nice
<f_> Once I'm done with gxl I'll clean up the mess, test, and send patches upstream.
<f_> Then I can work on g12b and sm1..
<f_> oh forgot one last step before sending upstream
<f_> Actually implement all of the DRAM LPDDR support and DDR4 support need to be implemented
<f_> Not sure if I have a board w/ LPDDR..DDR4 probably lafrite
<narmstrong> it could be iterative, first support DDR3 on some socs/board then added the LPDD & DDR4
<f_> I want SPL to boot on each amlogic board on my desk :D
<f_> but yeah sure.
<narmstrong> it's a nice goal !
<f_> :D
<f_> document it all in doc/board/amlogic/spl.rst or something like that
<f_> Link to it in some pages..list the current known issues.
<narmstrong> yep, good
<f_> I also feel like someone should unify all the board pages
<f_> there's too much duplication
<f_> Have one page for signing and in the board page have a notice like: "Then refer to <signing page here>"
<narmstrong> feel free to do this :-p
<f_> Gotta do it myself
<narmstrong> chewitt already did a good cleanup already, but yeah it would be great to cleanup
<narmstrong> FYI I made u-boot-amlogic to be copied into :-)
<narmstrong> public-inbox is really super awesome
<f_> It's really nice indeed.
<f_> Am planning to install it someday..
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<f_> hm?
<f_> >#define CONFIG_DDR_USE_EXT_VREF 0
<f_> hmm a little weird bug in lepotato
<f_> just shut it down, expected it to reboot instead (which it did)
<f_> but only the red LED is on?
<f_> (bootROM USB mode BTW)
<f_> Hmm even after loading U-Boot via USB the blue LED is still off :S
<f_> When firing up raspbian it does work though
<f_> commit 915bd464b1317d9df0ff999d978723e4b1bb8568
<f_> >aml-s905x-cc: disable external vref and ddr print
<f_> Aha.
<f_> so no vref
<f_> *external vref
<f_> narmstrong: BTW is PXP an internal Amlogic thing?
<f_> IIRC it's an emulator somehow.
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<narmstrong> Yes I think it’s their fpga based emulator
<f_> sure
<f_> But not sure why they include support for it in all BL2 binaries though
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<narmstrong> Laziness ?
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<eery> so I don't know much about analogue signals, but I'm getting this weird error on the A311D when displaying over HDMI: "Fatal Error, invalid HDMI vclk freq 593406"
<eery> from what I can tell, it should be using the round number 594000 - is this an EDID problem?
<josch> f_: overwriting the random bytes with zeroes indeed kept everything bootable
<josch> seems i worried for nothing!
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