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<f_> hi
<f_> Should probably rebase my U-Boot tree on master
<f_> I'll do that when Kwiboo's patches get merged.
<f_> Hmm TOGCNT1U and TOGCNT100N as well as INIT_US and RSTH_US seem to have disappeared...
<f_> They're in lepotato ACS but not actually used at all...
<f_> ohhhh
<f_> They messed around with pointers once again
<lvrp16> They are probably for different DDR types?
<f_> >_DAT_c8839090 = (uint)*(byte *)(ddrt_p + 0x18);
<f_> ^ TREFI
<f_> Ghidra says ddrt.refi isn't used
<lvrp16> RK3568 DDR controller has it controlling frequency. 100N no idea.
<f_> I'll try making it so that ghidra recognises this as a struct and report back.
<f_> Pointer 'hackery'..
<lvrp16> Oh haha
<f_> For sure
<lvrp16> Part of the timing control structure?
<f_> Indeed
<lvrp16> Pointer hackerym
<f_> ddrt means __ddr_timming
<f_> ddrs means __ddr_setting
<f_> and plls means __pll_setting
<lvrp16> Nice, what form of british is timming 🤣
<f_> It's not british! 🤣
<f_> lvrp16: and if you go in timing.c you'll see:
<lvrp16> Asian british 😁
<f_> 164 | ddr_timing_t __ddr_timming[] = {
<f_> 🤣
<f_> They spelt it right the first time but then spelled it wrong...same line 🤣
<f_> *spelled
<narmstrong> classic
<f_> classic™
<lvrp16> Classsic
<f_> I couldn't expect less.
<f_> logging style is....
<f_> Take this: "DDR Timing err..."
<f_> and that's a string in BL2: "aml log : SIG CHK : "
<f_> lvrp16: classsssssssic™
<lvrp16> I wonder if with the RE you're doing, the SoC can be tuned for new DDR types
<lvrp16> unlock PHY capabilities :D
<f_> shrug
<f_> I guess the SoC would be limited to e.g. DDR4 anyway
<lvrp16> or even memory configurations that weren't supported before like 2048M
<f_> ^ that won't be possible.
<f_> In DMC_DDR_CTRL they limited the size you can write to it to 2GMByte
<f_> 2 Giga Mega Byte.
<lvrp16> lolz
<lvrp16> So all that's needed is just tweaking DMC_DDR_CTRL?
<lvrp16> to support higher memory depth?
<f_> I guess
<f_> but that would imply modifying the DMC
<lvrp16> hardware or software? I mean supporting 2GB (16Gb DDR4 ICs). not expanding addressable space.
<f_> the register would need to be modified to support these sizes?
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<lvrp16> that's what I'm asking you, be cause La Frite would be cool with a 2GB IC :D
<lvrp16> I think I have a few boards with 2GB IC stuck on but only 1GB worked.
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<f_> lafrite is already cool :D
<lvrp16> I'll play with it after I am done my billion tasks list.
<f_> billion
<lvrp16> I have 6 full trello boards of stuff to do :D
<f_> Look at my cloak :P
<lvrp16> and I chip away at it one at a time
<f_> am supposed to maintain a coreutils but thought amlogic RE was cooler :P
<lvrp16> Debian 11.8 update broke one of my build servers so gotta make a 4 hour trip to the DC
<f_> lvrp16: Ah.
<f_> Renegade Elite?
<lvrp16> no, one of the 7950x3d servers
<f_> ah
<lvrp16> for ARM64, I use a Windows Dev Kit 2023 :P
<lvrp16> WSL is hot trash but it seems like they're almost Linux ready minus the whole Qualcomm EL1 only no-virtualization fiasco.
<f_> blerk
<f_> WSL is just a VM anyway :P
<lvrp16> and UserLAnd on my tablets is barely usable :(
<lvrp16> I have tried so many ARM64 compile machines, almost ready to just buy a Mac
<lvrp16> and cut my wrists
<f_> What's wrong with them?
<f_> Use a pile of amlogic set-top boxes to compile your stuff!
<lvrp16> WDK2023 no virtualization, Mediatek Genio too slow and limited memory, Samsung S9 Ultra UserLAnd barely works, 3 Chromebooks too slow.
<f_> Pocophone F1?
<f_> oh, I don't recommend using it
<f_> Unlocking its bootloader is a pain.
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<f_> OnePlus 6?
<f_> No need to use UserLAnd, just run mainline linux on bare metal :P
<lvrp16> I'm waiting for narmstrong
<f_> Buy a huge pile of OnePlus 6's and install postmarketOS on them :P
<narmstrong> me ?
<lvrp16> to upstream all the latest Qualcomm SoCs so I can have a proper Debian machine on one of the latest ARM platforms
<f_> My experience with mainline on Snapdragon 845 after ~1 year of usage was good.
<narmstrong> oh, yeah I'm working on that
<lvrp16> :D
<f_> lvrp16: OnePlus 6 is mainlined enough for your usecases :P
<f_> SDM845 has great support in mainline
<f_> and at some point I was able to run QEMU on my Pocophone F1 for fun
<lvrp16> I need 32GB of RAM. phones just don't cut it. SDM845 is MT8195T performance level.
<f_> ah
<lvrp16> Kernel build with debug symbols take 30+ minutes.
<f_> overpowered ryzen computer?
<f_> I heard these can compile linux in less than 15 minutes
<lvrp16> qemu is single threaded and I can't cross_compile without screwing up the package binaries
<lvrp16> the 7950x3d can compile almost a full config tree in 2-3 minutes but that's x86
<f_> Quick grep in qemu manpage shows it supports multiple threads?
<f_> >thread=single|multi
<f_> But that's not KVM AFAICT
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<f_> Clearly my needs are very different.
<f_> My laptop can support up to 32 GB of RAM
<f_> The thing is........I only have 8 GB of RAM installed!
<f_> this thing is beefy-enough to do blender stuff in theory
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<f_> lvrp16: >can't cross_compile without screwing up the package binaries
<lvrp16> f_: fixdep and such
<f_> Arch Linux has multiple packages for cross-compiling:
<f_> $ pacman -Ss aarch64
<f_> <...>
<f_> extra/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc 13.2.0-1 [installed: 13.1.0-1]
<f_> The GNU Compiler Collection - cross compiler for ARM64 target
<f_> official repos
<f_> You got aarch64 gdb and aarch64 glibc as well
<f_> You could also use nix :)
<f_> but I can't seem to remember how to use it
<f_> So far haven't got problems with those packages
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