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<kbingham> lvrp16, Do we have a start point to boot the A311D board yet?
<kbingham> Any instructions to build up an SD card?
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<f_> kbingham: You should be able to fire up any UEFI-capable operating system using mainline linux
<kbingham> f_, no specific bootloader / sd card layout?
<f_> That is, if the SPI flash has BL2+SCP+BL31+U-Boot installed.
<f_> kbingham: unless your SPI flash doesn't have U-Boot, no, no bootloader or specific layout required
<f_> just UEFI or extlinux
<f_> kbingham: You have U-Boot in SPI right?
<kbingham> f_ I have whatever comes with the board when it's in the box....
<f_> When you plug it in, does it boot U-Boot?
<kbingham> I haven't even powered it up yet - as it has no sd card ... which I assumed was requried ;-)
<f_> Power it with no SD card and see if U-Boot is running
<kbingham> Are there instructions on where to connect the serial cable posted yet?
<f_> You can just use a monitor.
<kbingham> Maybe I should start with "I have nothing..."
<kbingham> Ok - I can attach a monitor ;-)
<jbrunet> next to the 40pin header, there is a 3 pin header with GND,Rx,Tx - 3.3v based
<f_> jbrunet: Do you have to supply 3v3?
<jbrunet> no
<kbingham> jbrunet, Ohhh! How did I miss that!
<kbingham> Thansk - I assumed the serial would be somewhere on the 40 pin!¬
<f_> was confused with '3.3v based' lol
<f_> kbingham: only on lafrite.
<f_> But there's a UART in the 40 pin's not the one used for boot logs though.
<jbrunet> some other manufacturer uses 1.8v or even 5v for the UART - but on AML all board I have seen use 3.3v for the UART
<f_> You don't actually have to supply 3.3v to the board though.
<f_> and all Amlogic boards I hacked around didn't need this either
<f_> UART on my S905 set-top box works fine with only TX and GND connected.
<f_> Daanct12: AVIVA!!!!
<Daanct12> oops wrong chat
<Daanct12> sorry
<f_> indeed lol
<Daanct12> f_: 1.8v uart sounds very non-standard to me
<f_> I think some phones use it..not sure
<Daanct12> yep
<f_> 5V is too much to me.
<Daanct12> 3.3v is much easier to get imo
<Daanct12> btw have you seen the gt-king pro??
<jbrunet> kbingham: schematics are available here if necessary :
<f_> GT-King Pro?
<Daanct12> that thing has a full blown 9-pin serial port
<f_> heard of it
<Daanct12> ye
<f_> Daanct12: haha
<Daanct12> i wish i bought that instead of the gt-king
<f_> my KII Pro has a pinout for UART
<f_> (on the board obviously)
<Daanct12> life would've been much easier by then
<f_> lol
<Daanct12> i hope uart on gt-king (non-pro) isn't too small
<f_> What's this? S922?
<Daanct12> s922x
<Daanct12> but a better version of it
<f_> Damn was close...
<f_> So..GXM?
<Daanct12> gxb iirc
<f_> Doubt it
<f_> only S905 is gxbb
<Daanct12> g12b
<Daanct12> i still need to figure out why wifi doesnt work with that lol
<f_> Firmware?
<Daanct12> no, it's like it never showed up at all
<f_> Or is that using Realtek wi-fi?
<Daanct12> bluetooth does work though
<Daanct12> it's broadcom
<f_> hmm then probably lack of firmware
<Daanct12> not really lack of firmware
<Daanct12> it doesnt show up in dmesg at all
<f_> hm
<Daanct12> otherwise everyone would've noticed
<Daanct12> s/everyone/i/
<Daanct12> sdio too i believe
<Daanct12> so probably a pin hasnt pulled up or its not properly defined in dtb, not sure
<f_> Probably something in the DT you're using.
<f_> Most likely it never gets probed..
<phh> Daanct12: for wifi, usually the tricks are: broken-cd; and no nonremovable;, and setting the right gpio
<phh> setting the right gpio in a mmc pwrseq*
<Daanct12> yep, that's what i was thinking about
<f_> Just noticed S905D3 was SM1
<f_> So I get to receive a G12B board and an SM1 board!
<f_> thanks again lvrp16
<phh> (also check mmc logs, it might say negociation failed for some reason like voltage or speed disagreement)
<f_> I wonder if U-Boot has gxbb mailbox support
<f_> that could make the scp mailbox code in SPL much cleaner
<f_> until we can load the scp firmware from BL31
<f_> (like how it's done on gxl)
<f_> hmm no mailbox driver it seems
<narmstrong> nop
<Daanct12> [ 3.571545] mmc2: Failed to initialize a non-removable card
<Daanct12> [ 3.573883] genirq: Setting trigger mode 3 for irq 30 failed (meson_gpio_irq_set_type+0x0/0x60)
<phh> Daanct12: then yeah my recommendation is to remove non-removable and add broken-cd; and trigger GPIOs manually from userspace until it appears, then put that gpio in a pwrseq
<phh> (and set all regulators to always on for debugging that)
<f_> narmstrong: So let's load the SCP fw from BL31!
<narmstrong> f_: this looks weird, but why not
<Daanct12> i see, perhaps the gt-king that i had is a different revision?
<Daanct12> remember talked about it with narmstrong and they said their wifi works fine
<f_> Both amlogic TF-A BL31 and upstream does that on gxl so I'd say...why not too?
<f_> s/does/do/ cough english
<f_> Except SCPI is used to load the firmware on gxl IIRC
<f_> narmstrong: Oh, by which I mean..SPL loads the SCP firmware, and BL31 sends the SCP firmware to the SCP.
<f_> ^ loads into dram
<f_> Does this perhaps look less weird to you? :P
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<f_> As for U-Boot...I think part of boards documentation should be merged into one
<f_> Especially the signing process, since it's the same for every single gxl board..just the sources are different.
<f_> same for other SoC generations
<f_> I could do that and come up with a patch.
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<lvrp16> is orangecms here?
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<psi62> Hi! What's the current state of A113D ASoC axg-sound-card runtime power management? I noticed that the card driver does not set the .pm field. I guess it is usually set to snd_soc_pm_ops but from what I can see no PM is supported as of now.
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<jbrunet> ASoC PM is mostly based on DAPM
<jbrunet> almost everything is turned off when there is no playback/capture (with the notable exception of spdif input)
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<psi21> jbrunet: I see. Thanks!
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<f_> lvrp16: hmm doubt it
<f_> Oh they're working on oreboot
<f_> nice
<f_> (oreboot is a fork of coreboot written in rust; without the c. Funny name too)
<f_> come on..git server downtimes again
<Kwiboo> f_: I think continue to send to scp from SPL will be better, aml only seem to do it from tf-a on gxl, probably for same reason as why the changed to aarch32, save bl20 code space
<Kwiboo> are you having issues loading scp from spl?, on my c2 it works every time, but should probably try your updated code :-D
<f_> Kwiboo: Sure
<f_> Yeah I'm having some issues
<f_> I should see if I made any mistake while 'prettifying' the code
<f_> Worst scenario: keeps trying for an hour
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<f_> At this point I've shifted to gxl, but will still try to keep gxbb working
<f_> I test on gxbb from time to time to make sure I didn't break anything.
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<f_> oh nice
<f_> bit 6 is undocumented on S905X
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<f_> I wonder if it's documented on the S805X datasheet
<f_> let's see if I can download it from somewhere
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