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<jtgd> Should ffmpeg be able to extract an SSA(ASS) subtitle (from mkv) to srt? When I try I get output that has the "<font ..." crap in it. I say "-c:s srt" but it still has that.
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<Marth64> jtgd: use c:s text to filter all formatting out
<Marth64> will need more advnced tool if you want to keep some formatting like italic
<Marth64> ass is the internal subtitle format
<jtgd> yup, that worked. Thank you very much! Marth64
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<ppw> which ffmpeg afade curve corresponds to Audacity's S-curve fade?
<ppw> looks like logistic sigmoid
<ppw> thanks furq
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<SuRGeoNix> Hi guys, I was wondering how can i check if an output format supports a specific codec... I was looking into AVOutputFormat.codec_tag but for example in mkv it does not contain ff_mkv_codec_tags and in matroska.c has a comment to include them also in additional_video_tags which does not exist?
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<another|> SuRGeoNix: set the right tag. but you really shouldn't be putting anything in avi in 2024, especially not hevc
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<SuRGeoNix> I just opened a ticket as I think we should be able to check which codes a format supports
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<echelon> anyone know what's going on here?
<echelon> [hls @ 0x7fb8fa04b0c0] Invalid keyval "v:0
<echelon> Conversion failed! node:events:498 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
<furq> i would guess unnecessary escaping
<BtbN> and quotes in the arguments that got no business being there
<furq> you shouldn't need the doublequotes there
<BtbN> Well, they even must not be there
<furq> yeah
<echelon> let me try, thanks
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<echelon> furq: that did the trick, thanks!
<echelon> didn't need double quotes
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<tM^caoX> Any clue where I can find a pre-built armhf (Raspberry-compatible) ffmpeg binary that has libsvtav1-enabled? There are tons of binaries on the web but all (I have found so far anyhow) have AV1 encoding disabled, prolly since it's really insane to even consider encoding AV1 from a Raspberry, but I would like to do it as for proof of concept, but don't want to build the piece from scratch myself! Any
<tM^caoX> takers? ;)
<JEEB> if your rpi is rpi3 or newer, you can use aarch64, and BtbN provides builds for that
<JEEB> otherwise fork BtbN's build repository and add armhf?
<tM^caoX> Big thanks JEEB ,, it's an Rpi4 so those builds should do.. really awesome if it works.. checking 'em out now! ty!
<BtbN> Good luck with that, a lot of the dependencies hate 32bit arm
<JEEB> yea, rpi3 and rpi4 are aarch64-capable. of course if you have installed a 32bit OS then it won't work, but technically there's nothing stopping you :P
<BtbN> And ct-ng apparently also does not cooperate
<JEEB> in which case it may just be simpler to install a 64bit distro on the rpi3 or rpi4
* JEEB has fedora on his rpi3
<JEEB> almost feels like a real computer when you get a UEFI grub
<furq> and connect some storage that isn't an sd card
<JEEB> inorite
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<tM^caoX> Sigh JEEB as it turns out I'm running a 32-bit Raspian on this old piece! =/
<JEEB> what... > rpi4 > old
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<JEEB> but in any case, it just means you need to install their newer 64bit thing
<JEEB> vOv
<tM^caoX> Reinstall the entire Raspberry OS?
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<tM^caoX> No smaller workarounds?
<JEEB> yes, because since rpi3+ are aarch64 devices there's no reason to run 32bit
<tM^caoX> True, but I'm not really up to a whole system update right now! =/ 32-bit armhf ffmpeg would be hard to find with libsvtav1?
<JEEB> then fork BtbN's repository and attempt to build. good luck.
<JEEB> I will just tell you that it's quicker to put that aarch64 thing onto your SD card or whatever
<JEEB> and less effort
<furq> it will also be a lot faster across the board
<tM^caoX> :)
<BtbN> I'm not even sure if svtav1 builds on arm32, and if it does it'll be uselessly slow
<furq> debian packages it for armhf and armel
<tM^caoX> furq: With libsvtav1? :)
<tM^caoX> Those binaries could work?
<tM^caoX> Oh nvm
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