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<cproo12> anyone active and willing to help with an OPUS conversion issue?
<cproo12> attempting to convert AAC to OPUS and getting popping sounds in the audio stream. File is an MP4 with 1 video stream, 2 audio streams. My goal is to leave video untouched, and convert the audio streams from AAC to OPUS. It works right not but there is a constant popping sound in the audio, almost like it is clipping. Any help is appreciated.
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<ManDay2> I gathered from a SO reply, that there are generic output pads beside "in", "v" for video and "0" nothing (? I assume) - where are these documented please?
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<ManDay2> I got that '0' part wrong, it's the file index
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<ManDay2> How do you deal with the MM:SS.m... syntax in filter graphs? trim=12:13:14 ?
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<furq> just use seconds
<furq> i don't even know how you escape those colons
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<ManDay2> i got the times from mpv in the MM:SS.m... format though :-(
<ManDay2> (read them off the cli)
<ManDay2> time to do some higher maths, i guess
<furq> some combination of ' and \ should work
<furq> but i couldn't tell you which
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<ManDay2> wow, wtf, 15 Gigabytes are not enough for this commandline on a 3 minutes screencap:
<ManDay2> [0:v]trim=63.097:86.339,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v1];[0:v]trim=91.360:93.230,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v2];[0:v]trim=98.225:108.485,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v3];[0:v]trim=110.491:121.010,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v4];[0:v]trim=126.010:128.040,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v5];[0:v]trim=200.720:214.309,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v6];[v1][v2][v3][v4][v5][v6] concat=n=6[out]
<ManDay2> the vid itself is 99M...
<ManDay2> is that normal?!
<ManDay2> i suppose it's because it's all raw internally?
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<ManDay2> anything i can do to restructure this to run on 15G ?
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<intrac> does ffmpeg have a way to blend an arbitrary number of frames? tblend seems to do a maximum of 2
<intrac> I thought I remember reading about an alternative filter that would allow arbitrary numbers
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<intrac> ah, maybe tmix
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<ManDay2> I'm trying to visualize audio seeking with 'color=s=2x100:c=red:d=14.318[col];[0:a]showwavespic=s=1600x100:scale=log,framerate[main],[main][col]overlay=x=1600*t/14.318[out]' -map '[out]' on an audio file, which works kind of all right but the cursor does not seem to move entirely smoothly and it a sort of jerky fashion. Does anyone have an idea what could be the issue?
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<intrac> ManDay2: that could be many things. playback on computers is notorious for not being completely smooth. also, if your video fps doesn't match the display, that can cause stuttering
<intrac> eg 25fps video but 60Hz display
<intrac> I would step through the video one frame at a time, to try and work out if it's actually irregular with the video itself or something to do with the playback (OS or media player)
<ManDay2> yeah I tried to frame-step it with mpv and while it kind of looks allright, my perceiption while it plays still says it's irregular. i trust my perceiption more; now it's just hard to say whether I imagine things, the playback is the problem, or the video. but i trust your judgement that the video should be alright
<intrac> ManDay2: try at 1/4 or 1/8 speed and see if things feel more regular (even if the framerate is low)
<intrac> it should be possible to see if the movement has an even quality to it
<intrac> you could always upload a clip somewhere and someone here could suggest where the issue might be
<furq> 1600*t/14.318 won't give a regular cadence
<furq> not sure if that would be noticeable
<ManDay2> furq: what do you mean?
<furq> for 25fps that will either move four or five pixels per frame
<intrac> also, the full command would help. eg, are you defaulting to ffmpeg's output fps (which I think is still 25?) or setting something else
<ManDay2> the `framerate` filter would produce 50 if I understood correctly
<furq> two or three then
<ManDay2> this is the full cmd:
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<intrac> oh, I'm not familiar with the framerate filter
<ManDay2> without it, I got 1 fps or something like that because apparently overlay seems to figure fps=1 is the best thing when the showwavespic is on the primary pad
<furq> well showwavespic is only one frame
<furq> it would probably make more sense to use fps=50 but i guess it makes no difference
<ManDay2> yeah. somehow it got promoted to 1 fps tho :D
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<ManDay2> do I not need something like setpts for audio when I trim and reconcat audio? because i needed it for video...
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<ManDay2> Re the visualization, there is definitely a noticable offset between the waveform and the audio though
<ManDay2> it's as bad sa 0.3 seconds on a 15 seconds file :-S
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<dv_> hi
<dv_> has the matroska menu support ever gone anywhere?
<dv_> I have a bunch of old DVDs here that are starting to exhibit playback problems, so I am ripping them as an iso. but I then have to stick with the old mpeg2 encoding.
<dv_> one matroska file, with video transcoded to AV1 or h265, that would be great.
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<LStation> is there a way to force a colorspace on decode? ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -loglevel verbose -f lavfi -i color=#003000,format=bgra -t 1 -c:v mjpeg_qsv qsv.avi , will say it's fmt:bgra csp:gbr however when read back with ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel verbose -i qsv.avi -f null - , bt470bg will be the csp. I've tried using other containers like mkv, or decoder="mjpeg_qsv" (avisynth, LSMASH) with undesirable results
<znf> BtbN, there is still no vaapi support on your Windows builds, correct?
<BtbN> There is, but it's bloody useless
<znf> ffplay complains about "Derive vaapi from vulkan not supported." for me
<znf> granted, apparently nothing plays with ffplay and -hwaccel lol
<znf> or, rather, it plays, but... black screen?
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<znf> huh, I'm trying:
<znf> ffmpeg -v verbose -hide_banner -init_hw_device vaapi=gpu:1 -hwaccel vaapi -v verbose
<znf> and ffmpeg doesn't output... anything?
<znf> but then it just... crashes?
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<CounterPillow> Why would you use vaapi on windiws
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<intrac> is there a way to get ffmpeg to write to disk more often?
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<intrac> it seems to be building up a huge buffer generating this mkv. still an empty file showing on disk.
<intrac> 4000 frames written
<intrac> maybe yuv4mpegpipe is impacting this
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