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<realies> i'm back to my hundreds of atrim+concat optimisation quest, turns out atrim takes only one set of start and end parameters, so my previous idea of specifying multiple regions there and not need concat is not a thing; fortunately, aselect is thing, however, i wonder if there's a way to improve the precision, for example: ffmpeg -i tone440.wav -af
<realies> "aselect='between(t,1.000,2.000)',asetpts=N/SR/TB" aselect.wav would produce a Duration: 00:00:01.02, bitrate: 1411 kb/s file; if the same 1.000 to 2.000 cut is done with atrim, the duration would be 00:00:01.00; any ideas?
<realies> aselect='between(pts,44100,88200) also does 00:00:01.02; interesting
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<realies> between(t,1.000,1.960) would do Duration: 00:00:00.93 and between(t,1.000,1.970) would do Duration: 00:00:01.02
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<realies> so after some LLM-ing the source code, my understanding is that this imprecision comes from the way aselect truncates the selection boundaries to match the audio frame boundaries
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<kepstin> realies: the other thing about aselect is that it _does not modify frame timestamps_ - i.e. the selected frames get their original timestamps passed through. If you have multiple ranges, this means that there will be a big jump in the timestamps going from the end of the first range to start of the second.
<kepstin> this has interesting implications for audio sync, etc.
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