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<f_vk_e> hello
<f_vk_e> im trying to encode onto HLS from MP4 and encountering errors in my final playlist, because my -var_stream_map seems to be incorrect
<f_vk_e> I have an input.mp4 with two audio streams, so i am trying the followin command:
<f_vk_e> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:a:1 -c:v copy -c:a:0 copy -c:a:1 copy -var_stream_map "v:0,agroup:one a:0,agroup:one,language:ENG a:1,agroup:two,language:DEU"
<f_vk_e> however my final playlist does not result either audio stream being available
<f_vk_e> am i making a mistake in the mapping or in extracting the audio streams?
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<BtbN> You should end up with 4 playlists, three for the streams, and one master
<BtbN> see the documentation for the var_stream_map option
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<realies> i'm doing hundreds of audio trims and i thought it would be more efficient if i don't use an atrim filter per trim but just list them in one atrim filter instance; is there some way to avoid non-zero crossings that would produce pops in the output file with this approach or should i use something like atrim per trim +
<realies> afade=t=out:st=duration-0.001:d=0.001?
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<Masterdrive> Hi all... anyone knowing a way to combine a "segment" muxer with a "image2"? Segmenting with -segment_format singlejpeg pic%d.jpg will generate the jpeg files, however I do need the atomic_writing support of "image2". When I specify -segment_format image2 -segment_format_options atomic_writing=1 pic%d.jpg, ffmpeg will quit with [segment @
<Masterdrive> 0x2136d20] format image2 not supported.
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<BtbN> Isn't outputting individual images with image2 already as segmented as it gets?
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<Masterdrive> unfortunately not, since I use the -segment_wrap option to keep the number of segments at bay... Image2 has no such option :-(
<Masterdrive> current command: /ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "IP CAM FEED" -r 1 -f segment -segment_time 0.0001 -segment_format singlejpeg -segment_wrap 20 pic%d.jpg
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<Masterdrive> preferred command (not working): /ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "IP CAM FEED" -r 1 -f segment -segment_time 0.0001 -segment_wrap 20 -segment_format image2 -segment_format_options atomic_writing=1 pic%d.jpg
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<BtbN> well, I don't think there's much you can do then
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<Masterdrive> the real problem is that I create a gif with ffmpeg -y -r 2 -i pic%d.jpg output.gif, which will abort at the file that is currently in writing
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<Masterdrive> could even be the fist jpeg in worst case
<Masterdrive> so the only way would be to shell-script a "copy of the currently existing 20 images", and create a gif on the copies?
<BtbN> or one that deletes old stuff
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<Masterdrive> yes... with the "delete old stuff" the gif-creation will at least fail on the last image currently in writing each time, not in-between the sequence
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<Masterdrive> only downside would be that the gif duration might be "very long" depending on the cleanup cycle
<Masterdrive> thanks BtbN... if you say there is no ffmpeg-way to have this covered, I won't further investigate in that direction
<BtbN> it's not too hard to write a tiny find-invocation to find the latest N files in a directory
<BtbN> and then have the clean-up script keep two or three times as many
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