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<Unit640> When trying to compress one of my largest PNG files, it fails with the errors logged: "Picture size 30000x20000 is invalid" and "Invalid image size". What gives?
<Unit640> Why is that "invalid"?
<Unit640> Certainly not according to the PNG format.
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<Unit640> Does it take up more than 32 GB RAM when it's that big or something?
<Unit640> (When trying to compress it further)
<Unit640> Only found this which isn't meaningful:
<Curid> Unit640: I'd use something like this to compress png images
<furq> pngquant is lossy and there's no reason to use the go frontend anyway
<Curid> wtf, didn't realize it uses c bindings
<Curid> I mean a 50 line program that uses the png package in the stdlib
<furq> that won't do much to compress anything
<Curid> there is a bestcompression param
<furq> that doesn't do anything that libpng doesn't do
<furq> use oxipng or pingo if you want to compress png
<furq> or just don't use png because it sucks
<Curid> it does it without executing arbitrary code..
<furq> not sure what that means
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<Unit640> But why does ffmpeg impose a max file size?
<Unit640> Very frustating to not be able to compress 4 files out of thousands.
<Unit640> *frustrating
<Unit640> And it would be especially interesting to see how much data is saved for those huge ones.
<Unit640> And Go is Google cancer.
<Unit640> And lossy PNGs are like buying an ice-cream and dipping it into mud before eating.
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<JEEB> there is no file size limit as far as I can tell, but there is indeed a resolution limit due to old code limitations. it's not something unfixable, but would require checking a whole bunch of components in FFmpeg in addition to the decoder(s)
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<Unit640> JEEB: Hmm.
<Unit640> I'm a goddamn bug-magnet.
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