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<sgm09> can you play vvc files now with ffmpeg7 ? if so, how ? i tried with mpv and it doesn't work
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<another|> the vvc decoder is still experimental
<JEEB> so you need to set -strict experimental
<JEEB> should be possible to set this option through mpv
<sgm09> ffplay -strict experimental works. mpv idk how to set
<sgm09> pretty funny, playback of 4k is stuttering, zen4 8 core ryzen..
<sgm09> mpv --vd-lavc-o=strict=-2
<galad> it's not optimized yet
<sgm09> somehow mpv can handle it though, at 75-80% cpu use
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<ManDay> Concerning the ordering of the inputs to the `overlay` filter, is my impression correct that they should (optimally, considering the typical use case) be inversed, from how implicit filter connection works? With the current ordering, a chain of implicit connections like `... [a] overlay, [b] overlay, [c] overlay` will overlay an overlay (c on b) onto a and that onto the input. The typical use case
<ManDay> seems rather the inverse: Not overlaying overlays over overlays, but just overlaying multiple things onto the same thing, no?
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<ManDay> So with the current syntax you can implcitly connect "(a on b) on c" but you'd typically want "c on (b on a)"
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<furq> i would guess that use case is much less common than -i foo.mkv -i bar.png -lavfi overlay
<ManDay> or is there perhaps a filter which switches [a][b] into [b][a] ?
<furq> if there was would it be more convenient than just using explicit labels
<ManDay> furq: Well yes the single overlay is probably the most common. But among the multi-overlay use cases for which the implicit connection would come in handy, I take it "c on (b on a)" is much more common than "(a on b) on c" (i.e. you want to overlay multiple smaller things on one larger thing)
<furq> probably
<ManDay> furq: it just looks nicer in the graph description ;)
<furq> but it would be weird to have the background be the second input just to cater to that
<furq> i don't think i've ever actually used ,[x]
<ManDay> me neither, but I just wanted to start :D
<ManDay> it does look much cleaner, textually, to have [a] overlay, [b] overlay, [c] overlay (or, in case we find a "switch inputs" filter: [a] switch,overlay, [b] switch,overlay [c] switch,overlay) than [a] overlay [ao]; [ao][b] overlay [bo]; [bo][c] overlay !
<furq> honestly i would have guessed that ,[x]overlay would put x as the second input
<ManDay> And it removes the needs for the named pads
<ManDay> furq: no, first it uses the assigned pads and then it fills up the rest with what's available
<furq> right
<ePirat> yeah the implicit syntax is a bit confusing IMO…
<ePirat> I always mix it up too
<furq> i guess this is part of why i've never used it
<ManDay> Sadly, it looks like there is no switch inputs/permutate filter :-(
<ManDay> At least I find none
<ePirat> relatively sure there isnt one
<furq> i think streamselect is supposed to do this but it doesn't seem to work
<furq> it claims to support multiple outputs but it's not documented how
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<furq> Assertion parent->nb_outputs == 1 failed at libavfilter/framesync.c:91
<furq> but it doesn't seem to work anyway
<ManDay> Hm yeah from the description I don't think it does that.
<furq> from looking at the code i think it's supposed to
<furq> also the name "map" implies more than one
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<ManDay> the way how `map` is not advanced but only s->map looks wrong
<ManDay> after the first read, `map` points to the seperator and isn't advanced any further, resulting in a break on the next iteration, if I'm not mistaken
<ManDay> yeah pretty sure that's wrong
<ManDay> needs a map = p+1 instead of map = p
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<ManDay> (plus a nullcheck)
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<ManDay> that thing is actually important for another reason; if you want to write a macro (such as "multioverlay" in my case, or just a "reverseoverlay" with reversed arguments), you need to be able to extract streams. The "null" filter would actually be good enough for that, if only it supported multiple streams!
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<ManDay> *if* `null` did work on multi streams, such a macro in bash would just look like "reverseoverlay() { if [[ "$1" ]]; then p="=$1"; else p="" ; fi echo "null [uid1][uid2]; [uid2][uid1] overlay$p" } and could be invoked as [a] $(reverseoverlay), [b] $(reverseoverlay), [c] $(reverseoverlay)
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<MisterMinister> Greetings! Any decent automation systems for distributed (linux and OSX) FFmpeg jobs/tasks out there? With transcoding job management GUI, status reports...
<kepstin> that sort of thing is almost universally "build it yourself on top of general queue systems and network storage based on your own specific requirements" :/
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<another|> I heard about tdarr but no idea if it's any good
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<furq> i don't think that report is accurate
<furq> map=0 works but map='0 1' throws an assert in framesync.c
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<furq> so it's parsing beyond the first separator and something else is broken
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<furq> but also the fact that the separator isn't documented is a problem
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<ManDay> Can you quickly share your commandline please?
<furq> ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc -lavfi "split=2,streamselect=map='0 1'" -f null -
<furq> Assertion parent->nb_outputs == 1 failed at libavfilter/framesync.c:91
<furq> happens with explicit labels as well
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<furq> this is with a build from today
<ManDay> sorry but is this supposed to output 2 streams?
<furq> i would hope so
<ManDay> i put a concat behind it and get an error about unconnected output...
<ManDay> ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -filter_complex 'color=d=1,split,streamselect=2:'0;1',concat' /tmp/test.mp4
<ManDay> oops
<ManDay> sorry, shell quoting mistake
<ManDay> yeah you are right, the streamselect verbose output also mentions that it tries to map this, as by
<furq> it doesn't actually need the quotes
<ManDay> so yeah this works because you use space a seperator and strtol skips past that
<furq> yeah there'd be no need for most of that function if it only output one stream
<furq> and -h filter=streamselect says it has a variable number of outputs
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<furq> i'm not sure why that filter needs framesync
<ManDay> will you file the bug? otherwise I'll do it tomorrow
<furq> you should probably edit yours
<ManDay> i closed it already
<ManDay> I get a '[Parsed_streamselect_2 @ 0x56074920c380] Configured with 2 inpad and 2 outpad' with -loglevel debug though
<ManDay> Why does it want to assert "== 1" ?
<ManDay> Ah okay, it's just that these framesync stuff is invoked and isn't happy when the filter has more than 1 output. it is indeed strange that something which amounts to changing the topology of the graph should require anything frame related in its source
<ManDay> if you file a bug please set me in cc, ty
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