BtbN changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.0 is released
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<BtbN> The cur_dts field wasn't a public field, thus not part of the API and removal won't be documented
<BtbN> code using it was already broken since it could break on any minor patch
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<chiselfuse> whatsapp and discord don't like all codecs for videos. does someone have a cheatsheet or script to "fix" videos for whatsapp or discord so that they always embed?
<Curid> `ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 output.mp4`
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<BtbN> that's terribly lacking
<BtbN> no quality settings, completely ignored audio, ...
<Curid> they didn't specify audio :)
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<chiselfuse> Curid: i would like audio too, sir
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<DHE> then they get the default mp4 codec, and then its default settings... which is apparently aac which should be fine....
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<BtbN> good chance it's a pointless conversion though
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<RedShift> hello all, I have a camera I'm streaming an h264 stream to mediamtx (ffmpeg -timeout 10000000 -fflags nobuffer -i "rtsp://" -c copy -copytb 1 -an -f mpegts "udp://"), on the mediamtx side for watching the stream, WebRTC is used. However sometimes in the logfile of mediamtx this
<RedShift> message appears:  WebRTC doesn't support H264 streams with B-frames. My question is, can I remove B frames using ffmpeg, and if so, will it cause image artifacts?
<Curid> the bframes are generated by your camera
<Curid> check if you can disable it in the camera otherwise you have to transcode
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<RedShift> ah shoot... I can't transcode, the device running ffmpeg is too slow (I tried, CPU usage goes to 100% and it drops too many frames)
<RedShift> the camera is a hikvision, trying to find out if bframes can be disabled
<Curid> deleting the bframes without transcoding will leave loads of artifacts
<BtbN> I mean, in theory you can remove them. But then there's holes.
<BtbN> But you'll want to transcode the stream if no-b-frames is a requirement
<Curid> Is there a reason for using webrtc though?
<RedShift> lowest possible latency
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<RedShift> I'm already quite happy with the latency of mediamtx, and it has nice things like webhooks when certain things happen
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<RedShift> but it looks like the camera can't disable bframes, so after some more research, my only option would be something like HLS for streaming to the browser, which seems to handle B frames fine
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<Curid> i get sub 2 seconds latency with ll-hls
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