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<johnjaye> would the -f segment filter not work correctly on audio as it uses keyframes to do the split?
<johnjaye> it does 'work' if i have a video file and do something like ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 -segment_time 60 -f segment output%03.mp3
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<klaxa> it should work just fine for audio files
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<Unit640> "ffmpeg/stable,stable-security,now 7:5.1.5-0+deb12u1 amd64" <-- Does this mean that I have ffmpeg 7 or 5? I keep forgetting how to interpret Debian's/APT's bizarre version format.
<psykose> 5.1.5
<psykose> 7: is epoch
<Unit640> So two entire "generations" behind...
<psykose> yes, it's debian stable
<Unit640> Unless 6.x was skipped like PHP.
<Unit640> (I still don't get what they mean by that 7/"epoch" thing, even though I've probably had it explained or looked it up numerous times...)
<psykose> just something separate from the version that is used as the first comparison for lower/higher version for upgrades
<psykose> so you can go from 1.2.3 -> 1:0.1 and it's an upgrade
<psykose> usually happens when versioning schemes change
<Unit640> Right.
<Unit640> Sounds similar to how Windows internally calls itself something completely different from the "brand version" because of countless of programs checking that number.
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