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<Traneptora> JEEB> (unless the authors put effort into requesting for it being free)
<Traneptora> re: jxl
<Traneptora> they did
<Traneptora> they were denied
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<JEEB> Traneptora: welcome to ISO/IEC :P
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<Daniel26> I guys, I have a command running fine under ffmpeg-3. But wit ffmpeg-4 it won't work.
<Daniel26> ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://b-sim3:11011/grv2/mycam7/hd -vcodec copy -r 50 -f segment -segment_time 3600 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 /home/ds/%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S.mp4
<Daniel26> Any Ideas whats going wrong here?
<Daniel26> with ffmpeg-4, it fails with:
<JEEB> try with latest master BtbN autobuild, - download and extract into a directory in homedir or so. then call with full path instead of just `ffmpeg`
<JEEB> since 4.x is ancient by now, just to see what the current state is
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<a5erka> @JEEB returning to that error I found where ffmpeg encounters a decoding error but still exits with a 0 exit code, i found 6.0 works, but 6.1 does not, after another git bisect, i found the issue was introduced with commit 01897c1788b887e42a69072fc6516a73521bdcd6. does this help narrow it down? (i'm guessing no :) )
<JEEB> and IIRC it is then fixed in master due to another large rework
<a5erka> yeah
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<Daniel26> @JEEB ffmep-4 is the version delivered with openSUSE Leap 15.5. It is not easy for us to change the version.....
<JEEB> I'm not telling you to replace what comes with your system
<JEEB> those are static auto-builds
<JEEB> you download, extract into a directory in f.ex. your homedir, then execute with /full/path/to/location/ffmpeg
<JEEB> for the record the last branch of 4.x, 4.4 was released in late 2020. so that's how much behind you are at the moment. and if you are on an even older 4.x branch you're going even further into the past
<JEEB> so definitely worth it to give a try with the current auto-build master :P
<Daniel26> It works with ffmpeg 6 and 7 (tested with packages build by opensuse). So we have to switch :/
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<CounterPillow> You don't have to upgrade your system version, just invoke the static build
<CounterPillow> And if you really need to only have one ffmpeg on your system for some reason, you can track down the commit that fixed it with a bisect and ask suse to backport it
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<Daniel26> @CounterPile I don't have any clue where to start the search....
<CounterPillow> What search
<Daniel26> "you can track down the commit that fixed it "
<CounterPillow> Read code to understand the logic that lead to the problem, then git bisect the affected files. Or run a very long and arduous bisect across the entire tree
<JEEB> eh, if they noted that works with newer packages
<JEEB> then that's it
<JEEB> they upgrade and get a better result :P
<JEEB> just wanted to note that no need to utilize a package unless they really want to. since the static builds are a thing
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<Grunswald> hi
<Grunswald> i have posted an issue on discord, i wonder if there is more activity here
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<CounterPillow> there's a discord? yikes
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<Grunswald> well it looks official...
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<Grunswald> well my issue is i have a sdi camera running 1080p at 25 fps, i have sdi to usb3 converter, and i want to display the camera on a 1080p 60fps screen
<Grunswald> there is no software that works, so i thought going with ffmpeg would be the solution.
<Grunswald> but it doesnt work. i tried using a 1080p 60fps camera in that case it work (either using directly ffplay, or transcoding from ffmpeg then reading with ffplay) but with big latency (few seconds at best)
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<BtbN> There is no FFmpeg discord, no
<BtbN> If they claim to be official, it's a blatant lie and probably worth a report
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<Grunswald> well maybe, in any case they didn't answered me
<CounterPillow> if ffplay has a lot of latency, I'd put the blame on the device itself it's reading from (or whatever driver it's using)
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<Grunswald> well the worst part so far is that when trying to acquire the 1080p 25 fps video, i just get a black screen, i don't know what is wrong
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