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<zsw> How best to concat video and audio? This command is working for video only -- ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i ./meta -c:v copy -c:a copy foo.mkv; mpv foo.mkv
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<zsw> I assume I need to specify the audio stream using the '-map' option?
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<ManDay> Is it possible to xfade between two input videos with a specified overlap in a single pipeline? Or do I first have to read out the timestamps and then feed the data into a setpts to align the times?
<ManDay> Oh I just found out about setpts' TB variable, I guess that's gonna help!
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<ManDay> Is there technically reason that "tpad" is not analogously found for audio, but it looks like there you got "adelay" which works on channels and "apad", which are much less convenient to use?
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<solomoncyj> can somone look into this issue for me?
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<JEEB> solomoncyj: `5.1(side)` and `5.1` are different layouts, and if you look at the logs, you are using channelmap to do stuff
<JEEB> also you can see the decoded layouts with `ffmpeg -layouts`
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<solomoncyj> JEEB: but if i do not give it a channelmap, i get the error: ```[libopus @ 0x561fbbfb0740] Invalid channel layout 5.1(side) for specified mapping family -1.[aost#0:0/libopus @ 0x561fbbfb0480] Error while opening encoder - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height.Error while filtering: Invalid argument```
<JEEB> ye, that's what I expected
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<solomoncyj> what should i do?
<JEEB> anyways, since you have a specific expectation about the channel layout, please check `ffmpeg -layouts`
<JEEB> that says how the layouts are defined in FFmpeg (the side one and the non-side one)
<JEEB> esp. since you are saying that supposedly the first channels change
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<JEEB> alas I don't recall what exactly the channelmap filter does, but if it just applies the channels and reinterprets them as the initial layout, then there should be no real reordering and SL+SR just become BL+BR
<JEEB> *as the specified layout
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<JEEB> also I would test with BtbN's master autobuilds as well, - you can extract to your home directory and just call it with the full path
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<ManDay> What's the difference between eof_action=repeat and repeatlast=1 and eof_action=endall and shortest=1 ?
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<a5erka> hey guys! i found a bug in ffmpeg built from release/6.1 branch. the bug is fixed in 7.x, but I cannot currently upgrade. what's the policy regarding that, do you still to bugfixes to 6.x branch?
<JEEB> it's pretty free-form, if a patch nicely applies and to older branches and is unlikely to cause regressions it should in theory be pretty simple to get back-port
<a5erka> the bug is ... using ffmpeg to process a corrupted prores .mov using cli `ffmpeg -xerror -err_detect explode -y -i -map 0:v -s 320x240 -c:v libx264`, ffmpeg exits with exit code 0 instead of something else as is the expectation
<a5erka> i did a git bisect and the commit that fixes it is "d119ae2fd82a494d9430ff4d4fc262961a68c598", so not really helpful lol :D
<JEEB> ayup
<JEEB> that is a large overarching change
<a5erka> yeah
<JEEB> cherrs for bisecting it, tho
<JEEB> *cheers
<a5erka> for sure. i was hoping for something like "fix decoding of corrupted prores" that would be easily backportable xD
<JEEB> not passing on error codes is not really prores specific unless the lack of error code was in the prores module :
<JEEB> :)
<a5erka> yeah, but i didn't notice this problem with h264 source. at least i think so :D
<a5erka> ok, will look into this a bit more as outlined on and will open a bugreport in trac
<a5erka> one thing i noticed is that when i used the "good" version, i get "Conversion failed!" after it fails. i don't get that when running 6.1
<a5erka> not sure if it's 7.x specific, will check
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<JEEB> that message was added in fed0acebade8d27c428da5cad483cd6a5b64b354 (2014) :)
<a5erka> so def pre-7.x :P
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<JEEB> even the if under which it is hasn't changed since 2017 :)
<JEEB> which means that ret wasn't nonzero, which is probably the return value of something in the function that called ffmpeg_cleanup.
<a5erka> ffmpeg_cleanup gets 0, added a debug statement just now
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<JEEB> yea, so demuxer and decoder are the most likely two things that could be returning nonzero in your case, and either they never return nonzero, or it isn't passed correctly :P
<a5erka> i do see "[vist#0:0/prores @ 0xaaaac13fc450] Decoder thread returned error: Invalid data found when processing input" in verbose output
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<a5erka> but i also see av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "No more output streams to write to, finishing.\n");
<a5erka> followed by ret = 0;
<a5erka> i feel this is beyond my knowledge of ffmpeg's code. i'll open a bugreport and hope it's an easy fix by someone who knows more than me :D
<JEEB> the thing's already fixed in master, so that would be quite low prio :P
<a5erka> true
<JEEB> anyways, overriding it with zero just means that the thing doesn't return nonzero :P
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<znf> CounterPillow, portability
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<znf> ie: not having to write different code for linux and windows when building ffmpeg "profiles" for a cross-platform (dotnet) app
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<ManDay> I split a video stream with a `segment` filter, pipe the segments through `tpad`s with stop_duration=... and re-concat them, but somehow the stop_duration of the segments are vastly too long; any idea what could be the cause?
<ManDay> (too freeze certain frames)
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<ManDay> I even added a setpts just to be sure, but no help:
<ManDay> [instream] segment='4|8|10' [outstream0_in][outstream1_in][outstream2_in][outstreamt]; [outstream0_in] tpad=stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=2,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [outstream0_out];[outstream1_in] tpad=stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=1,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [outstream1_out];[outstream2_in] tpad=stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=5,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [outstream2_out];
<ManDay> [outstream0_out][outstream1_out][outstream2_out][outstreamt] concat=4 [outstream];
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<ManDay> Here is a testcase:
<ManDay> ffmpeg -filter_complex "color=c=white:s=80x60:d=10,drawtext=text='%{pts}',segment='2|4' [a][b][c]; [a] tpad=stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=1 [ao]; [b] tpad=stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=1 [bo]; [ao][bo][c] concat=3 [out]" -map "[out]"
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<ManDay> It would be nice if someone could take a look becaue I have no idea what's the problem.
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<BtbN> znf: just use d3d11va really. There is zero point to vaapi. You need to do some very magic hoops to install their d3d12va wrapper, and it then only supports a VERY narrow feature set, and is dirt slow.
<BtbN> No idea why anyone would use vaapi on Windows.
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<znf> BtbN, write code once, use on linux and windows? :P