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<rex> hi y'all. I'm struggling to copy the language tags and the chapters when converting a bluray to a mkv
<rex> This is the command I'm trying: ffmpeg -i bluray:folder -map 0:0 -map 0:5 -map 0:s -map_chapters 0 -map_metadata 0 -c copy -movflags use_metadata_tags -vf scale=1280:-2 -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 45 -preset 8 -g 120 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -ac 2 ~/output.mkv
<rex> but when I open output.mkv I don't see chapters or the language tags
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<{{{{{}}}}}> so i've tried these two options:
<{{{{{}}}}}> ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264  -preset ultrafast -f tee -map 0:v  "live.mp4|rtsp://"
<{{{{{}}}}}> ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264  -preset ultrafast -f tee -map 0:v  "live.mp4|[f=rtsp] rtsp://"
<{{{{{}}}}}> what am i doing wrong
<{{{{{}}}}}> i wanted it to tee/output only video to live.mp4 as a file and rtsp
<{{{{{}}}}}> eventually i want it to also segment,no idea where i'd define that either
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<Curid> {{{{{}}}}}: what's the goal, are you making a VMS?
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<bpmedley> {{{{{}}}}}: May I ask why you don't want to use mediamtx to do the mp4 segmenting?
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<{{{{{}}}}}> bpmedley, because i didn't know it can do that lol
<{{{{{}}}}}> i'm new to this, everyone assumes i know stuff lol
<bpmedley> {{{{{}}}}}: All mentioned it a few hours ago.
<bpmedley> *I mentioned
<bpmedley> If you download the mediamtx release, edit the .yml file and change recording to yes.
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<Curid> I have a script you can use to generate a static site to view the recordings
<{{{{{}}}}}> bpmedley, when i say segmenting, i meant record video files every N minutes using files with a date-time stamp in the name
<{{{{{}}}}}> the recording should be a "tee" of what i'm serving on rtmp
<{{{{{}}}}}> Curid, i don't know what a vms is, i'm just trying to capture video from /dev/video0, serve it over rtmp and also keep a timestampped+rotated archive of videos
<bpmedley> {{{{{}}}}}: mediamtx worked for me and rtmp, did you look over the recording options, in the .yml?
<{{{{{}}}}}> bpmedley, no i just noticed them. i only heard of mediamtx earlier today
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<{{{{{}}}}}> bpmedley, you're a life saver mate, it seems to be working!
<bpmedley> Nice!!
<{{{{{}}}}}> i don't have to write wonky scripts now lol
<{{{{{}}}}}> tyvm
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<Curid> you don't need nginx-rtmp either now btw
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<{{{{{}}}}}> Curid, thanks, yeah, it seems to be working fine on it's own
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<{{{{{}}}}}> although 10min = 1GB is rough lol. maybe i can play with the bitrate and resolution
<Curid> or only record when there is something interesting to record
<Curid> wait, 10min = 1GB is 1.7MB/second
<Curid> are you recording raw video or something?
<Curid> should be like 300x smaller
<furq> i think it should probably be more than 44kbps
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<{{{{{}}}}}> i didn't specify a bitrate but i did specify libx264
<{{{{{}}}}}> ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264  -preset ultrafast -f rtsp rtsp://$RTSP_PORT/cam
<Curid> nvm MB/s is normal
<Curid> `-preset ultrafast` uses more space right?
<furq> not necessarily
<furq> but you shouldn't use it unless you really have to
<{{{{{}}}}}> should i avoid a preset alltogether or would 'slow' be ideal?
<furq> depends how fast your cpu is
<furq> use the slowest one that can still hit realtime and isn't burdensome to have running all the time
<furq> then change -crf and -maxrate/-bufsize to control the bandwidth
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<{{{{{}}}}}> i assumed faster meant more cpu usage
<furq> no it means more fps
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<rex> I'm sorry, I lost my internet connection, if someone answered please repost
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<rex> thx realies, too bad I didn't miss an answer :(
<realies> rex, you can try a LLM: ffmpeg -i bluray:folder -map 0:0 -map 0:5 -map 0:s -map_chapters 0 -map_metadata 0 -c copy -movflags use_metadata_tags -vf scale=1280:-2 -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 45 -preset 8 -g 120 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a libopus -b:a 64k -ac 2 -metadata:s:a:0 language=eng -metadata:s:v:0 language=eng -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng ~/output.mkv
<realies> > Explicitly set the language metadata for each stream using -metadata:s:a:0 language=eng, -metadata:s:v:0 language=eng, and -metadata:s:s:0 language=eng.
<realies> > Ensure chapters are mapped using -map_chapters 0.
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<rex> what's an LLM?
<rex> I have map_chapters 0 in the command
<furq> there's an open bug report for chapter support in the bluray demuxer
<furq> so i guess it doesn't work
<rex> I see
<rex> then this is also why the tags aren't copied?
<furq> mkvtoolnix will do it
<furq> probably
<rex> realies: thx but manual setting is not an option since there are a lot of different subtitles with different languages
<realies> rex, large language model, like llama3, claude, gpt
<rex> oh you meant to ask an ai
<realies> check if the other tool furq mentioned can do it, otherwise you might have to script something to read the chapters and create the parameters for the command
<realies> sure, ask an 'ai'
<realies> it's more like a large text dictionary with some attention and relational capacity :)
<rex> I will look into mkvtoolnix, thx
<furq> you should be able to use the bluray as an external chapter source in mkvtoolnix
<furq> the metadata might be more complicated
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<rex> is the bluray format so complicated? To me a as a user it seems like a trivial/common task
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<furq> the bug report hasn't been looked at for 10 years
<furq> so i guess it's just nobody has cared enough
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<rex> I see
<rex> thx a lot I wasted so much time googling and trying parameters
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<rex> oh mkvtoolnix can only remux? I would need to run ffmpeg afterwards again?
<furq> that's why i said to use it as an external chapter source
<rex> oh now I get it
<furq> so you can add the chapters to the file you already encoded
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<rex> ok
<dostoyevsky2> Are there cheap codecs you could reencode a video to (e.g. at the expense of using more disk space), if you have limited cpu and no hardware acceleration?
<furq> limited cpu for encoding or decoding
<dostoyevsky2> well, lets say you wanted to use "-ss" and "-t" to extract something from an mp4 file... for those options to work accurately you'd need to reencode the video, so the mp4 decoding you cannot change but for the target you could maybe use an encoder that doesn't demand a lot of the cpu
<furq> you're probably better off just using different x264 options
<CounterPillow> -preset veryfast or -preset ultrafast
<furq> or use whatever that thing is called that only reencodes the first and last gop and copies the rest
<furq> or do that manually but that's tricky to get right
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<dostoyevsky2> I guess h.264 is the fastest encoder (I guess hw decoding is more common though) these days because it has so much support in hardware and even with just x264 it's optimized for the latest SIMD operations
<furq> mostly because it has good multithreading and the older codecs don't
<furq> but also those things
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<dostoyevsky2> Ah, I thought that every codec works like: Chunk the video, and then use that compression on that block of video, which is inherently easy to parallelize (working on several chunks at the same time)... but I guess it can be hairy in practice if the old codecs weren't really written with multiple cores in mind
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<dostoyevsky2> I do remember though that sometimes videos seem to chunk dynamically when the frame to frame differences become too large, e.g. when the scene changes... so that way of chunking would be harder to parallelize
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