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<nego> Anyone know of any examples of using ffmpeg in C++ (or any lang tbh) that shows converting subtitle streams from one non-bitmap codec to another? I'm trying to convert from mkv with subrip to mp4 with mov_text but I'm not sure how to do it since following the video/audio examples doesn't translate to subs (afaik they do not have frames).
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<nego> or even a brief description of the procedure would suffice
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<ManDay> Doing my part to reach ticket #11111, I've filed about the implicit connection rules, feedback welcome!
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<ManDay> Does anyone know about the minterpolate filter how it works and why it would give totally shitty results?
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<ManDay> Can anyone explain what pixel "components" of the blend filter are?
<ManDay> It's kind of annoying how all the important technical details are practically not documented at all.
<ManDay> I'm trying through the components with ffmpeg -y -filter_complex "color=c=black:d=2,format=pix_fmts=rgba,tblend=c3_expr='255'" but that gives me white, red, blue and black in order, I haven't got the first idea what's the logic behind that. Also I'm just guessing the 0-255.
<ManDay> the rgba format seems to have no effect whatsoever
<ManDay> So looks like it's ALWAYS yuv and doesn't care about the input format
<ManDay> how terribly impractical is that
<ManDay> where the heck does that leave the semantics of all these operations
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<ManDay> it's always "xor" "and" etc on the YUV representation?
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<ManDay> ok I think this isn't even yuf, setting c0 to 0 I still get non-dark pixels
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<ManDay> sorry but who the f wrote that filter and didn't think that should be documented in some way...
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<ManDay> So apparently adding a `format` filter somewhere will make this "propagate" to unrelated branches, like ffmpeg -y -filter_complex "color=c=red:d=1,split [a][b]; [a] format=gray,nullsink; [b] null"
<ManDay> i really don't know how to keep using ffmpeg at this point
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<JEEB> format itself shouldn't do anything, it should just adjust the output side of the previous filter in chain
<JEEB> generally if something gets converted, there is then auto-conversion filter being inserted due to a mismatch somewhere
<JEEB> `-v verbose` or higher logs those, verbose being the last non-spammy one
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<JEEB> `-noauto_conversion_filters` disables the automated addition of those into the chain
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<ManDay> Yes, I could work around this by adding a `format=rgba` *before* the split, but that's such a confusing semantic, format: "A filter which modifies the way a filter before it in the graph works"
<ManDay> Instead of just converting the format at this point.
<ManDay> (like you'd expect a filter to work). this is more the way gstreamer works with caps under the disguise of being a filter, which it isnt.
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<ePirat> ManDay, afaik there was an option to disable the auto format conversion insertion which should help make it more clear whats going on I guess.
<JEEB> yes I pointed it out already
<JEEB> ManDay: I think the reason why (a)format exists is because there was string to filter chain stuff made to set the input/output pins on filters, so a filter that is otherwise passthrough but sets its input pin in a certain way was the way it was handled. it would then cause the previous filter in chain to see if it could output that format, and if not scale or aresample would get auto-inserted (unless
<JEEB> auto-insertion was disabled)
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<ManDay> that sounds pretty much like gstreamer; much better having it a separate concept. i haven't seen this documented either, but even if one tried, I imagine verbalizing up to which point backwards the format change propagates would be hard
<ManDay> *only* to the previous filter? or further? if the previous filter is null, for example, what then...
<ManDay> could someone please tell me what format the `blend` filter uses and what the range of the pixel values are? I can't do anything useful with that thing
<JEEB> it at least claims to support a whole bunch of pix_fmts looking at the array of supported formats it defines
<JEEB> then it just seems to go through the planes and do very similar stuff on either 8bit, 16bit or 32bit types.
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<ManDay> Uhm yeah it looks like RGBA is not among them? Is that why I got YUV like behaviour when I prefixed it with format=rgba?
<ManDay> I even checked -loglevel debug but there was no mention which would indicate it did not respect the RGBA
<JEEB> you should see autoscale filters in `-v verbose` or higher
<JEEB> `-noauto_conversion_filters` would cause an actual error
<JEEB> (you would have to add scale filter or zscale filter or whatever yourself in each position where things need to change)
<ManDay> yes there was autoscale; my bad: I ignored it because I thought it would only "scale" things, not change the format
<JEEB> just like aresample would be that thing for audio format conversions
<JEEB> I think it might even log the input and output in certain bits there?
<ManDay> i figure the issue with rgba is that it's not planar, that why it was rejected
<JEEB> yea since the logic of the filter clearly seems to be about iterating over planes
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<JEEB> GBRP formats are supported
<JEEB> including GBRAP
<JEEB> which should contain all of the planes from RGBA
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<ManDay> I'll make a PR for this. The fact that the most fundamental of all filters is so badly documented is unbearable
<ManDay> (there are no multi-channel filters, btw?)
<JEEB> which definition of channel? :D
<ManDay> component, i mean
<ManDay> i suppose one could glue it together with extractplanes, but only painfully so
<JEEB> so merging multiple planes across each other? or?
<ManDay> not necessarily merging, but for example calculate the R value of a pixel from the G,A and B value
<ManDay> the fact that blend is limited to two inputs adds insult to injury...
<JEEB> alas I only know of the filters that I've utilized or touched in one way or another, so even if there was a matching filter for that use case I wouldn't know of it :P
<JEEB> also for the record, patches go to , we are trying to get to some other contribution system since the old e-mail flow is definitely not making it simple to do various stuff or to keep up-to-date on the latest version of a change set, but currently the mailing list is the mailing list
<ManDay> there is a very cool website called github, you may have heard of it
<ManDay> :p
<JEEB> it's one of the alternatives, but it's much more likely we go for something like gitlab. I hope people decide it's a good idea to co-operate with videolan, but it might lead initially to an FFmpeg instance existing, and then later moving onto videolan's when people notice that duplicating infra is not fun
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<bparker> JEEB: nothing like duplicating infrastructure to comment out one line of code because the original developer has some bug up his butt about giving users a choice
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<bparker> going through that myself right now with another project
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<pushrad> i'm trying to copy the subs from a file called, and the video/audio from a file called ~/mnt/SNEAKERNET-1/'I Saw the TV Glow.mp4', to a file called ~/mnt/SNEAKERNET-1/'I Saw the TV Glow-Subbed.mp4'. however, when i run ffmpeg -i -i ~/mnt/SNEAKERNET-1/I\ Saw\ the\ TV\ Glow.mp4 -map 0 -map 1 -c:a copy -c:v copy ~/mnt/SNEAKERNET-1/I\ Saw\ the\ TV\ Glow-Subbed.mp4 i get `[sost#0:0 @ 0x62db306c1280] Automatic encoder
<pushrad> selection failed Default encoder for format mp4 (codec none) is probably disabled. Please choose an encoder manually.`
<BtbN> mp4 does not support srt subtitles
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<pushrad> how do i use mov_text BtbN?
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<pushrad> eh nvm i managed to fix this by just placing an srt next to the mp4
<pushrad> my tv recognizes that apparently
<pushrad> thanks
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