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<realies> kepstin, thank you for bringing this up, i completely ignored that obvious fact - wondering what would be an efficient approach to resetting the timestamps with multiple selects? i noticed that atrims+concat needs a `asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS` after each atrim so that concat does what i expect it to, wondering if adding asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS at the end
<realies> of the filters will solve this
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<realies> actually, i think this is already happening with this? -af "aselect='not(mod(n,2))', asetpts=N/SR/TB"
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<soreau> I use this command to record an rtsp stream `ffmpeg "rtsp://...." -movflags isml+frag_keyframe -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 120 -segment_format mp4 %04d.mp4` and then serve the files dynamically with some nodejs that handles range requests but.. there are different problems with firefox and chrome
<soreau> firefox has garbage audio for the first 15 or so seconds of the html5 playback, then it starts the audio at the beginning so it's 15 seconds off
<soreau> chrome plays the audio fine, but cannot seek because it thinks the video is longer than what it is
<soreau> mpv plays the video file from disk and everything is fine there
<soreau> I have a feeling that my nodejs code is ok and that maybe the ffmpeg command could use tweaking to produce video segments that are somehow more html5-friendly
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<bpmedley> soreau: May I ask your high level goal? Is it viewing the rtsp in firefox and chrome?
<soreau> replacing -movflags with -reset_timestamps 1 seems to make all the browsers behave
<soreau> bpmedley: it's just making a 'gui' web interface to access the videos
<soreau> and make them play in browser via html5
<soreau> it works now, but thanks
<bpmedley> soreau: ### You might like this, depending on your use case.
<soreau> Ok, will have a look. Thanks
<soreau> wow, that seems to be far overkill for my usecase ;)
<bpmedley> Understood
<soreau> # cat /usr/local/bin/video-server.js | wc -l
<soreau> 84
<soreau> but thanks anyway
<bpmedley> That's cool. What is your latency when viewing the videos?
<soreau> bpmedley: I also dreamed up a program that basically streams rtsp but also records it to disk so you can scroll backward through the stream, and when scrolling all the way forward, it syncs back to real-time
<soreau> but that's probably a job for gstreamer
<bpmedley> Nice
<soreau> bpmedley: next to no latency, it's on the lan with gigbit
<soreau> put a nice chunk size and now everything is clicking along
* soreau checks mobile browser breifly
<bpmedley> I may not be using the correct term, I was curious how much time passes between the rtsp capture and playback in the browser. Is it ~1 second or less?
<soreau> yep, works on chrome android with audio sync, and seeking with correct duration etc
<soreau> all the things I was having troubles with, fell away with -reset_timestamps 1
<soreau> bpmedley: oh that is equivalent to the segment length because it writes to disk the segments first
<soreau> then if I want to go back, instead of using cli, now I can gui
<bpmedley> Sounds fun. Possibly the main reason you would want something like WebRTC, then, is under 1 second latency.
<bpmedley> Neat
<soreau> yea but I actually don't need that low latency because I stream all the live streams on another monitor..
<soreau> with gstreamer
<soreau> and have the wm automatically place and size them there
<soreau> on login
<soreau> so if I see something, I note the time or if there's something obviously added-to or removed-from the camera viewing area, it's easy to pinpoint by sifting through the videos
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