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<Dagger> okay, I'm not saying that I want to just go through and revert every edit this user made
<Dagger> but that's what I'm saying
<Dagger> also I've read both pages and still don't have a good idea of how any of this works. but at least I know how the behavior changed in ffmpeg 2.1 I guess?
<Dagger> tells me I should use combined seeking (which has no valid use case (from ffmpeg 2.1)) to seek 10 minutes into the video if I want to seek 5 minutes into the video. that's not reducing my confusion
<Marth64> -ss before i -> seek to position with demuxer (basically "start here."). -ss after i -> start from the beginning and go to the specified position, discarding packets along the way.
<Marth64> combined is strange but can be useful if you want to say, "start at time 60 but then read to a certain point and discard along the way"
<Marth64> i think it usefulness comes from a time when before -accurate_seek was option
<Marth64> -ss after i also allows to preserve timestamps
<Marth64> all of which is niche use case to me, -ss before i is generally what is useful
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<Marth64> that is how i perceive it all
<Marth64> that article suggests to use combined seeking likely becuase of the effect of preserving timestamps
<Marth64> if its external subtitle file you can just roll it in as another input with -itsoffset to get it to start with 0, and use -ss before i on your input video to also have it start at 0
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<Marth64> probably even -ss will work instead of itsoffset
<Dagger> I'm also doing the hardsub thing which seems to have its own special input method
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<Dagger> it's unfortunate that -filter_complex "[0:v][0:s]subtitles[v]" doesn't work, but I guess this filter is old and noone cares about it
<Dagger> which... is fair
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<Dagger> okay, so `-ss N -t M -copyts -i $fn -avoid_negative_ts make_zero` works and makes more sense to me than `-ss N -t M -copyts -i $fn -ss N`, but the end effect is the same either way
<Dagger> I also got very confused by mpv half-applying its own timestamp correction; it adjusts timestamps so they start at 0 but doesn't adjust the file duration (i.e. a file with timestamps that run from N to N+M looks like a file that runs from 0 to N+M but where only the first M seconds are playable)
<Dagger> not sure if that's a config issue or a "Dagger needs to upgrade from a 2021 build of mpv" issue
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<Hikaru_> hello all
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<Hikaru_> i am trying to encode a jpeg sequence (1.jpeg to 239.jpeg) into an x264 video
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<Hikaru_> ffmpeg -start_number 1 -i %d.jpeg -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -r 1 test.mkv
<Hikaru_> this is my command, it sortof works but the output is only 11 seconds long, and 11 frames
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<Hikaru_> instead of 239 seconds long and 239 frames
<Hikaru_> any ideas?
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<JEEB> -r converts frame rate to something, if you want to set a frame rate to the image2 input, check `ffmpeg -h demuxer=image2`
<JEEB> if I recall correctly, something like framerate before input :P
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<Hikaru_> hmmm
<Hikaru_> yes this works JEEB but my frames are out of order
<Hikaru_> i had them named 001.jpeg to 239.jpeg but ffmpeg didn't like that so i removed the leading 00 and 0 to have 1.jpeg through 239.jpeg
<Hikaru_> so the command works and the output is 239 seconds, but the frames are not in the order that the jpegs are numbered
<JEEB> then you will want to pipe the images into ffmpeg with the exact order you require, and utilize `-f image2pipe`
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<Hikaru_> thanks for the help JEEB, i have it working now
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<Nemo_pi> does ffmpeg handles .gifs?
<Curid> `ffmpeg -formats | grep gif`
<Curid> there is `-muxers` and `-demuxers` too
<Nemo_pi> So if i use a .gif for a looped image and mp3's as audio, it would combine it into the stream?
<Curid> probably
<Nemo_pi> Oke thanks
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<farter> as my experience, also set -r 1 for inpput image sequence to override the default frame rate just works, otherwise it's like converting 20fps to 1fps
<farter> ah jeeb already mentioned that
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<stefanom> Dear all,
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<stefanom> I compiled libAV with emscripten and I am trying to use RTSP protocol for streaming a camera but it's like a no way. I compared the message sent by webm application with ffprobe and I figured out that the RTSP commands, basically are empty
<stefanom> `00:00:00.011659 IP myClient.62018 > Flags [P.], seq 1:512, ack 1, win 8212, length 511: RTSP`
<stefanom> with ffprobe the message is complete
<stefanom> `01:23:51.417939 IP myClient.63409 > Flags [P.], seq 1:89, ack 1, win 8212, length 88: RTSP: OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0`
<stefanom> with ffprobe the message is well formed
<stefanom> any suggestions to fix it? My webm program is super stupid, I just open a formatContext using the rtsp endpoint as url;
<stefanom> Thank you in advance :)
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<Curid> anyone know what a "webm program" is?
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<CounterPillow> My guess is that it refers to Matroska's Editions/Ordered Chapters in some way, as that is where the matroska (upon which webm is based) website mentions program in such a context
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<CounterPillow> "As an example a file named intro.mkv could have a SegmentUUID of “0xb16a58609fc7e60653a60c984fc11ead”. Another file called program.mkv could use a Chapter Edition that contains two Ordered Chapters."
<CounterPillow> Ok this here references program several times in the dvd menu section
<Curid> of course it has a scripting language..
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<echelon> can i get 0 or near 0 latency with rtmp over hls?
<Curid> over WHAT
<CounterPillow> What do you mean by "rtmp over hls"
<echelon> err
<echelon> sorry
<CounterPillow> hls and rtmp are two different things that don't layer. Do you mean rtmp ingress into a streaming server that muxes into hls output?
<echelon> with rtmp*
<echelon> rather than hls
<echelon> i'm currently getting at least 10s of latency with hls
<Curid> the kernel adds 10ms latency and the networking will add even more
<Curid> normal hls has a latency of one GOP
<Curid> ll-hls can get you sub 2 seconds
<Curid> why can't the client use rtmp?
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<BtbN> normal hls latency is 3 segments, not just one
<Curid> *minimum theoretical latency
<furq> echelon: you can get nearer 0 than you would with hls
<furq> but anything under a second or so will be difficult especially if you're just using ffmpeg.c
<echelon> thanks
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<noumenon> when I do ffprobe on a webm I get this output:; is there a simple way to merge the subtitle stream into the video stream (not sure if that's also called hardcoding, as I guess the subtitles are already essentially hardcoded into the file itself, just in a separate stream)?
<BtbN> as in, render them into the image, and re-encode?
<furq> it is called hardcoding and there's a simple way but not computationally
<noumenon> sorry, the link apparently included the semicolon:
<noumenon> BtbN: I guess, just so the end result is just a video file, but with the subtitles still present
<BtbN> well, them being in their own stream also means they're present :D
<BtbN> and you can turn them on and off as you like
<BtbN> If you burn them in, they are obviously always visible and can't be turned off
<furq> but they will work everywhere which i guess is the goal
<noumenon> the problem is that I'm trying to upload the file somewhere, and it says there's an invalid stream, presumably referring to the subtitle stream
<noumenon> actually, now I'm wondering if the subtitles that are in the stream are actually the one's I'm trying to keep included, hmm
<BtbN> I'm not sure if the subtitles filter can even read webvtt
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<noumenon> yeah, I just realized the subtitles I wanted to keep in were already hardcoded, and that the separate stream was the subtitles of the primary language being spoken
<noumenon> I guess in the future it might be useful to learn how to hardcode the actual subs into the video file as well though, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it
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