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<reticuli> Hello, I have over 2TB of raw gopro mp4 files that are shot in 4K 60fps. They are about 11GB each and I noticed if I convert to libx265 via `ffmpeg -y -i $1 -c:v libx265 -crf 23 -c:a copy $2` then I get about 5X space savings without any noticeable (at least to me) reduction in quality. Just curious if anyone has any advice before I start mass converting my originals?
<DeHackEd> It might be worth checking the audio as well. I'm not sure, but wouldn't be surprised if the audio is uncompressed PCM of some kind. Turning that into AAC or something else could be worthwhile.
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<anddam> howdy, I have a stream #0 with several tracks, I want to transcode it from x265 to x264 but I am getting an error with the subtitle tracks, that I do not need anyway
<anddam> Error initializing output stream 0:3 -- Subtitle encoding currently only possible from text to text or bitmap to bitmap
<anddam> I am running ffmpeg -i "$f" -map 0 -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -vf format=yuv420p -c:a copy "$n"-h264.mkv but I'd like to only transcode #0.0 for video and #0.1 for audio (by copying it)
<Marth64> Throw -c copy in there
<Marth64> -c:s copy ***
<anddam> well while I am at it I'd strip the tracks, I do not understand nor read japanese anyway
<Marth64> Then you may do, `-map 0:v -map 0:a` instead of `-map 0`
<anddam> I think I am asking how do I specify the -map for -c:v and another for -c:a
<anddam> oh neat
<anddam> mm I'll try -map 0:1 since I see it's copying both audio tracks
<anddam> yep
<anddam> thanks
<Marth64> Np
<anddam> so with -map I only select "sources" but the specific behavior depends on the -c options, regardless of the source order, it's the type :a :v :s that matters
<anddam> I only use ffmpeg once every couple years so I am not able to keep the syntax in mind
<anddam> it's "semi-but-not-totally" intuitive to me
<anddam> the Doraemon batch conversion process is running, thanks again
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<Traneptora> anddam: -map determines which streams end up in the output. -c is shorthand for -codec, and it sets the encoder for the stream. "copy" is a placeholder that says do not decode/encode
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