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<aphysically> haasn: what happened to tonemapping_mode param?
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<aphysically> hmmm, weirdly widnows media player seems to tonemap this test file fine but it's clearly way too dark in libplacebo filter
<aphysically> that's why I was trying to replicate my old settings with tonemapping_mode=luma
<haasn> aphysically: it got obsoleted
<haasn> We now always do tone mapping in IPT space
<haasn> Directly on the I channel
<haasn> Are you using peak detection / histogram measurement?
<haasn> Try the high quality preset
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<aphysically> extra_opts=color_map_preset=high_quality haasn?
<aphysically> oh peak_detection_preset I see
<aphysically> extra_opts=peak_detection_preset=high_quality is throwing an error
<aphysically> I'm surprised whatever windows media player is doing is working so well
<aphysically> can't seem to get anything approaching it in the right brightness
<haasn> Maybe you want to set the target peak way lower?
<haasn> IIRC windows lets you choose the crossover point with a slider
<aphysically> can we set the target peak in libplacebo?
<aphysically> I was looking for that just now
<aphysically> I don't see it in directly exposed stuff unless I"m missing and I'm trying to search placebo docs for something I can pass with extra_opts
<aphysically> extra_opts=target-peak=xxx and target_peak both didn't work :<
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<aphysically> haasn: am I missing this somewhere
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<aphysically> maybe I just give up for this particular case and adjust gamma up slightly
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<aphysically> mmmm, still looks supe desaturated relative to the windows one
<aphysically> what on earth is it doing
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<echelon> i don't know where to ask but since it's video related, is there a way to stream from headless chrome? i found this, but it seems to write to a file? i don't imagine it provides a way to stream to rtmp instead.
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<BtbN> Would be up to you to change the code so it sends it elsewhere
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