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<fmlatghor> any other interesting video art tools like ffglitch you guys using?
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<ppw> hi
<ppw> does libx265 still benefit from using -movflags +faststart?
<CounterPillow> Yes, -movflags +faststart is specific to the mp4 container
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<ppw> thanks
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<{{{{{}}}}}> is there a good/simple way to do motion detection with ffmpeg or something that just reads the rtsp stream and detects objects
<Curid> You're making a VMS, with the ffmpeg CLI. dont.
<{{{{{}}}}}> Curid, i'm using mediamtx fwiw
<Curid> btw i think mediamtx can connect to the webcam directly if it supports h264
<{{{{{}}}}}> which runs ffmpeg
<{{{{{}}}}}> mediamtx can't do motion detection though
<{{{{{}}}}}> i'm trying to read the rtsp stream from it, detect motion and ideally send a push notification
<{{{{{}}}}}> ideally without training models or messing with tensorflow lol
<{{{{{}}}}}> Curid, i was just googling the topic and saw a post where you commented lol
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<Curid> I think this supports notifications
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<Curid> ffmpeg can detect motion using the scene filter, but it's very unreliable
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<Curid> example of motion detection with multiple zones:
<{{{{{}}}}}> sorry, got distracted by motion, i think it's working lol
<{{{{{}}}}}> i with it would highlight the motion area though
<{{{{{}}}}}> Curid, i think i like curid better tbh, your reddit comment dissuaded me from pursuing ffmpeg scene filter, it sounds complicated to setup anyways
<{{{{{}}}}}> i don't know how reliable motion is just yet but it is able to connect to mediamtx's rtsp and it is popping out detection recordings. maybe it needs some tuning
<Curid> does the camera see shadows from the sun?
<{{{{{}}}}}> yeah
<{{{{{}}}}}> it's outdoor
<Curid> I haven't found anything besides zoneminder that can do somewhat usable motion detection
<{{{{{}}}}}> that sucks. i had commercial cams before, i think they use a neural net/dnn
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<{{{{{}}}}}> tyvm Curid !
<Curid> I have a project for object detection models if you want to go down that route
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<{{{{{}}}}}> Curid, nice, so you're developing tensorflow models in that project?
<{{{{{}}}}}> honestly, i'm only looking at out of box solutions rn. once i get this baby working I'm going to ignore it for a while and come back to it when i have more time
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<Curid> Yeah, custom tflite models optimized for cctv footage
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<Curid> Someone on reddit made a custom motion detector
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<solomoncyj> hi
<solomoncyj> when i was encoding a dts 5.1 ch `C L R Ls Rs LFE` audio, file using `ffmpeg `via `libopus` , i found that the resulting file did not play in vlc, due to the channel layout being rewritten to `L R C Lb Rb LFE`, whereas the original file could. however if downmixed to stereo, there would be sound. the attached link contains a copy of the song file which i reported to have no audio when encoded into opus format in 5.1 ch mode
<solomoncyj> command used: ```ffmpeg -i out.dts -c:a libopus -b:a 160k -af "channelmap=channel_layout=5.1" out.opus````
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<solomoncyj> is this a bug?
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<}8]> hi. read a bunch of posts but its a bit confusing. what i want to do is resize an embedded image in a file while keeping the aspect ratio, with the max width or height being 600, whichever is larger. ex: 1200x1000 would resize to 600x500, 1000x1200 to 500x600, and 1200x1200 to 600x600. any help accomplishing this is appreciated!
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<Curid> i think this will do it
<}8]> i think so, thanks Curid
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<}8]> if i have an audio file with 5 embedded artwork images and want to copy everything but also apply a resize to the image at index 3, how would i do that on the command line? steams are [audio, image1, image2, image3 (resize this one), image4, image4]
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<puff> Afternoon.
<puff> I'm looking at some videos in vlc and trying to figure out if they're letterboxed in the video itself or if vlc is adding the black bars above and below.
<puff> And possibly edit the video to take the black bars out.
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<}8]> looks like there may be an easy way.. how would i make this filter only apply to video where the width and/or height is greater than 600? -> scale=600:600:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease
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