BtbN changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.0 is released
<CounterPillow> There's a psy fork of svt-av1 that is slowly being upstreamed iirc
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<BtbN> They're apparently also not doing basic maintenance
<BtbN> their PRs are getting flooded by automatic dependabot PRs updating stale dependencies, and nobody cares
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<ppw> what's the correct approach to increasing the speed of a video by x% together with sound and taking into account the pitch changing with the increased speed?
<ppw> I think this'll work
<ppw> ffmpeg -i input.mkv -filter_complex "[0:v]setpts=0.5*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=2.0[a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" output.mkv
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<EmberCre1t> Howdy folks! Just switched to FFMPEG7 on Windows. I have a command that uses drawtext to render a multi-line "coming up" schedule. Problem is, if I use Windows linebreaks, it shows *two* empty lines between each line.
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<EmberCre1t> If I switch to Unix linebreaks (\n) then the text renders correctly.. but only the first 10 lines! Would love to have someone help me confirm this behavior. I didnt observe this on 6 so I might downgrade.
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<EmberCrest> Pasting a quick demo, will post commands in a bit but it should be straightforward to replicate or test.
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<BtbN> that looks to me like the text simply is much much longer than the viewport you're rendering it into?
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<BtbN> And it only supporting unix linebreaks is expected I'd say
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<EmberCrest> BtbN: but drawtext allows you to draw text larger than the output video AFAIK
<BtbN> well, it'll just clip outside then
<EmberCrest> oh will it? I swear I used to be able to print quite a few lines, more than 10 certainly, and it would scroll just fine
<EmberCrest> btw in my picture of CRLF, more lines get printed (albeit double-spaced) and that text is scrolling with only line #18+ being clipped.
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<BtbN> The drawtext filter got a massive overhaul at some point, so maybe your dimensions are slightly off now
<EmberCrest> I feel like I'm going nuts lol, I've been using \r\n in my project for ages. But I honestly can't remember the last time I had this working 100%
<EmberCrest> BtbN: any idea when?
<BtbN> no idea, a year or two ago?
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<EmberCrest> ok hmm.. might be it.. if it was within the year then yeah it's very likely I hadnt upgraded in a while. Ill just have to use LF and make a new complex filter.
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<EmberCrest> I think others have encountered this same thing. See March 4 comment by Rotem:
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<EmberCrest> "With version 5.1.2 there is no issue, but with version 6.1.1 there is an issue with Windows new line style, and the spaces are larger than it should be even with Linux new line style. It looks like a bug."
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