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<CounterPillow> It isn't
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<CounterPillow> In case you're wondering why nobody is responding to your "seek crash": because that's not enough information to do anything with, and IRC is not the right venue for providing a full backtrace and a reproducer case and version info and build info
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<David_MD> Hi @all... hope this is the right place to ask for some help
<JEEB> yes
<David_MD> great, thx
<JEEB> just ask and wait for any response
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<David_MD> scenario: ffmpeg to create images from RTSP stream...
<David_MD> for tham I'm using: ./ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i [Stream URL here] -r 1 -atomic_writing 1 -f segment -segment_time 0.0001 -segment_format singlejpeg -segment_wrap 20 pic%d.jpg
<David_MD> so that output files don't pile up
<David_MD> on trigger, I try to create a gif using: ./ffmpeg -y -loglevel quiet -stats -r 2 -i pic%d.jpg output.gif
<David_MD> but that will stop in between, since some files are being written to...
<David_MD> and unfortunately, combining atomic_writing from "image"" will kill the segment_wrap
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<David_MD> ./ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "[stream here] -r 1 -f segment -segment_time 0.0001 -segment_format singlejpeg -segment_wrap 20 -f image2 -atomic_writing 1 pic%d.jpg will ignore the segment part, and generate endless amount of images
<David_MD> using 3.4.2, since 5.1.0 installed via APT I got "[segment @ 0x55824e3060] format image2 not supported."
<JEEB> try BtbN's automated static builds from github.
<JEEB> you can download, extract to f.ex. homedir and utilize with full path
<David_MD> ok... just pulled "master latest" for arm64 from BtbN... same error [segment @ 0x557865d040] format image2 not supported.
<David_MD> [out#0/segment @ 0x557865e3e0] Could not write header (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument
<David_MD> CMD used ./ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://stream:yaq12wsx@" -r 1 -f segment -segment_time 0.0001 -segment_format singlejpeg -segment_wrap 20 pic%d.jpg
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<noobaroo> I thought mp4 format is supposed to support webvtt subs, is it just ffmpeg that doesn't support this?
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