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<ggherdov> Hello, I'm trying to extract a part of a video, specifying begin and end timestamp for the cut (-ss and -to options), but ffmpeg always takes my "-to" argument as a duration, not a timestamp mark.
<ggherdov> This is ffmpeg 4.4.4, my command line is: "ffmpeg -ss $START -i $INPUT -c copy -to $STOP $INPUT", more details of my tries at
<ggherdov> The man page says "-to" takes a stop timestamp (as opposed to "-t", which takes a duration). What am I doing wrong?
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<ggherdov> alright this explains it, needs -copyts
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<furq> ggherdov: either put -to before -i or put -ss after -i
<ggherdov> furq: wow beautiful. Thanks a lot!
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<commodorian> I'm attempting to convert vp9 to h264, and while I'm at it I'd like to scale the videos down as well. I'm also doing this using vaapi, which to my knowledge has been set up correctly. Currently, the only filter I'm running is scale="-1:720", but when I try to convert one video I get this error: "Impossible to convert between the formats supported by the filter 'graph 0 input from stream 0:0' and
<commodorian> the filter 'auto_scale_0'". How to make work? Is there some special pipeline I need to use since I'm in VAAPI land?
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<commodorian> ah. it appears that's the case. scale_vaapi
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<DynV> .
<DynV> I have some mp4 videos that their audio was downloaded separatly. I saw the section "Copying the audio without re-encoding" from which is certainly a solution, but I'm wondering if there's a way to merge them to remain mp4--without--touching the video, not a single frame? (so changing audio and container is ok but not the video part)
<BtbN> You just linked to the very answer to your question, in the question?
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<_rubik> DynV: notice in the answer you listed, `-c:v copy -c:a aac`, where -c:v is "codec for video" and -c:a is "codec for audio"
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<DynV> How can I know it won'T modify the video at all? Is there a preview option that I can try matching with the original? Or is it in the specification?
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<BtbN> If you tell it to copy the video, it won't.
<BtbN> But why tramscpde the audio at all? Is it in some format that doesn't work in mp4? If so, why not just use mkv and re-encode nothing?
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<DynV> That's why I asked, if it couldn't I'd use mkv.
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