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<iconoclasthero> $ ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i /tmp/mpd.fifo -f nut -c:a libopus -b:a 128k zmq:tcp://
<iconoclasthero> [zmq @ 0x62bcbd69d640] URL tcp:// lacks prefix / [out#0/nut @ 0x62bcbd698f80] Error opening output zmq:tcp:// Invalid argument
<iconoclasthero> => Example: Create a localhost stream on port 5555: ffmpeg -re -i input -f mpegts zmq:tcp://
<iconoclasthero> using the example from the documentation as a template, `ffmpeg -re -i /tmp/mpd.fifo -f mpegts zmq:tcp://` gives me `[in#0 @ 0x60b69e311cc0] Error opening input: Invalid data found when processing input`
<Curid> did you censor the configure line in the pastebin?
<iconoclasthero> i trimmed it.
<iconoclasthero> i can put the whole thing in
<iconoclasthero> i don't build in ~ so i don't have to censor it.
<Curid> i think you need to enable file and a few other things to read from pipes
<iconoclasthero> ok...
<iconoclasthero> i'm happy to recompile
<iconoclasthero> i also want to include rtp, rtp/sap when i do
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<iconoclasthero> i also want to include rtp, rtp/sap when i do `ffplay -f s16le -ar 44100 /tmp/mpd.fifo`
<iconoclasthero> but it's like 0.5-0.7x speed.
<iconoclasthero> so ffplay can take it from a pipe but not ffmpeg?
<Curid> just enable all features when prototyping
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<iconoclasthero> ok, no, that;s not the problem.
<iconoclasthero> named pipe support looks like it's been available by default for 10 years
<iconoclasthero> and ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 -i /tmp/mpd.fifo -f nut -c:a libopus -b:a 128k output.opus produces a playable file.
<iconoclasthero> so it's taking the mpd fifo input and creating a file.
<Curid> maybe you're missing a demuxer then
<iconoclasthero> then there's an issue with the documentation that doesn't include that?
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<Curid> documentation lol
<iconoclasthero> ffmpeg must be compiled with the --enable-libzmq option to support this protocol.
<iconoclasthero> though it's still slowed down for some reason. the most chill Uncle John's Band I've ever heard.
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