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<kmikita> olspookishmagus, I also like af "asetrate" and then resample back. You need calculate proper rates to get proper pitch. And look at af "atempo".
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<viric> my problems with vaapi is some bug in the intel-vaapi-driver for broadwell I think
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<viric> The driver reports some getter support for yuv422 and then the implementation says 'not-implemented'
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<olspookishmagus> thank you too kmikita
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<ppw> if I want to use multiple movflags with mp4, is "-movflags use_metadata_tags+faststart" the correct syntax?
<JEEB> yes
<ppw> great
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<viric> mh damn intel-vaapi-driver
<viric> its jpeg decoder outputs 422H, but vaGetImage doesn't allow 422H as output format
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<viric> I'm trying to make sense of the problems with intel's vaapi driver
<viric> Basically some calls return "Not implemented"
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<viric> Finally I understood my VAAPI problems
<viric> ffmpeg considers all VAAPI surfaces as possible formats in uploading/downloading from hwaccel
<viric> But that's not true in most drivers.
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<viric> and this cannot be queried to libva
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