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<LFAdmin> Hi! Someone here to help me with a small problem? I am trying to use a Behringer XR18 with ASIO driver under WINDOWS connected with Ethernet cable as audio input for ffmpeg and have no clue what "-i" params to use.
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<ppw> IIRC ffmpeg allows lossless edits of opus files?
<furq> it does not
<furq> other than trimming off the start or end
<BtbN> rough cutting with -c copy might work, if that's enough editing
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<ppw> my use case is: insert an opus clip in between an existing opus track
<ppw> so, trim + concatenate, I guess
<furq> that ought to be possible but not in one run
<ppw> right
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<Lynne> you can increase or decrease the volume of opus files losslessly though
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<Lynne> via -bsf:a opus_metadata=
<furq> that must be new
<furq> it's not even in the docs yet
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<zoff99> hello. i am trying to cross compile ffmpeg 7.0.1 for windows on ubuntu 22.04
<zoff99> locally in docker it works, but on github CI i get "Host compiler lacks C11 support"
<zoff99> any ideas whats going on? switching back to 6.1.1 it works on both. without changing anything else
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<galad> make sure the compiler in the github ci supports c11
<furq> c11 is required as of 7.0
<furq> and according to the changelog c17 will be required "in the near future"
<zoff99> its ubuntu 22.04 same as in docker
<zoff99> bonus question:
<zoff99> snprintf(args_strbuf, sizeof(args_strbuf),"sample_rate=%d:sample_fmt=%s:channel_layout=0x%"PRIx64,global_audio_codec_ctx->sample_rate,av_get_sample_fmt_name(global_audio_codec_ctx->sample_fmt),global_audio_codec_ctx->ch_layout.u.mask);
<zoff99> this doesnt seem to work with global_audio_codec_ctx->ch_layout.u.mask in 7.x.x
<zoff99> how do i construct the filter string now? with what value
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<BtbN> any compiler in ubuntu 22.04 should be more than up to date enough for c11
<BtbN> Like, we're talking pre-gcc-5.0 here
<zoff99> yeah thats why i ask. it works if i run the same commands in docker 22.04 locally
<zoff99> but on github CI it give this error.
<zoff99> can i open issues on github for ffmpeg?
<zoff99> its mingw cross compiler
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<zoff99> sed -i -e 's#die "Host compiler lacks C11 support"#echo "Host compiler lacks C11 support"#' configure
<zoff99> with this it works. so the detection in configure is definitly wrong
<galad> what compiler are you using?
<zoff99> as i said mingw for cross compiling for windows
<galad> and mingw what compiler is shipping?
<galad> and which version?
<zoff99> sudo apt-get update && \
<zoff99> sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
<zoff99> apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
<zoff99> yasm \
<zoff99> ca-certificates \
<zoff99> make curl wget git nano vim \
<zoff99> openjdk-17-jdk \
<zoff99> openjdk-17-jdk-headless \
<zoff99> coreutils autoconf libtool pkg-config \
<zoff99> gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64 \
<zoff99> mingw-w64-tools pkg-config-mingw-w64-x86-64 win-iconv-mingw-w64-dev \
<zoff99> mingw-w64-x86-64-dev
<zoff99> what ever that does in ubuntu 22.04
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<zoff99> but again, when i run the same locally in docker 22.04 with the same commands it works
<galad> well if something it's checking for a compiler feature, to debug it you would at least need to know which gcc or clang version you are trying to use
<furq> make sure it's actually using the system mingw
<another|> yasm? Is that still supported by ffmpeg?
<zoff99> but how can it be different on github CI and locally
<zoff99> ubuntu 22.04 should be the same, at least ballpark
<zoff99> and why does it say "host compiler"? is host compiler the cross compiler or the native one
<furq> if it's a different image it might have something preinstalled
<zoff99> yeah i must be a system package. but still the configure should also work then
<zoff99> because when i remove the line from configure it compiles just fine
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