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<iconoclasthero> another|I haven't ruled it out
<iconoclasthero> but for background, I had the server and the client on the same LAN. server had the 1.7 TB of music and mpd and the module-native-tcp-protocol just worked.
<iconoclasthero> the one from pulse. and pavucontrol worked pretty well as a mixer to move sources to speakers.
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<iconoclasthero> from there, it went through bluetoothctl to a speaker.
<iconoclasthero> because of how well it worked, I was thinking it would be great to get that working through a tunnel or vpn or whatever from the now no-longer-connected-via-lan server and client.
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<iconoclasthero> @LunaLovegood "have you tried with other codecs just in case? Something like this should work also (serverside): ... -c:a mp2 -b:a 256k -f mpegts udp://"
<iconoclasthero> no improvement. I also adjusted the scale factor in mpd up to 5 which should be exploding the speakers and is ... just audible at the moment
<iconoclasthero> another|: oh, i think i made a mistake in my answer earlier... since the machine is running pipewire, i'm using pipewire-pulse which is one of the enumerated methods in the link.
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<LunaLovegood> It sounds as if there's an int to float or float to int conversion somewhere that isn't scaled right. Maybe you need something like volume=32767 or the like?
<iconoclasthero> perhaps. i went back and tried the straight pulse feed again now that i've adjusted the buffering and miles davis sounds pretty normal. there's a few minor places it cuts out that are undesireable.
<iconoclasthero> using -af "volume=32767" was not successful.
<iconoclasthero> Description: lightweight messaging kernel (development files) ØMQ is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products.
<iconoclasthero> ØMQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more.
<iconoclasthero> is that the right libzmq?
<furq> isn't the entire reason to use mpd that you don't have to do anything like this
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<LunaLovegood> Yes, that. The way ffmpeg uses it is mostly only good for live (1x speed) streaming, but for that it works pretty well. Once you create a server socket (ffmpeg's output), you can connect any number of clients to it for streaming. It uses TCP though, not actual udp multicasting, so more bandwidth, but you don't have to worry about packet loss.
<LunaLovegood> It's completely non-blocking though on the server side, that's why I don't recommend > 1x speeds. Because while the clients use fairly large buffers, they will end up losing packets if they can't process the data fast enough.
<LunaLovegood> In my case I use it to move a bunch of live audio and video MPEG-TS streams around and transcode them on some hosts, store them on others, and I've got a machine dedicated to serving them to a bunch of TV boxes.
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<znf> Has anyone managed to get hardware acceleration going in a Docker container, with macOS (apple silicon, so m1/m2 etc.) as a host?
<znf> Is such a thing even possible?
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<galad> znf: docker on mac uses a linux vm, I don't think it has any way to get to either hardware decoders/encoders or gpu at the moment
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<iconoclasthero> @furq: "isn't the entire reason to use mpd that you don't have to do anything like this" pipewire has really messed up how mpd works. there are few ways around running it as a user service which has necessitated other compromises.
<iconoclasthero> icecast work great so long as you can't control the stream
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